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Floating Islands

Started by Zakky, January 06, 2018, 02:21:37 AM

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Can we create such things?


Pretty sure you can do it with a constant expenditure of Prime, but since we don't have sources yet that would be a problem.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


That would violate a few of the basic rules, especially common sense and magic channeling.

You can certainly have people believe in them, even to the extent of being sure they saw them. You can certainly make an island float for a limited period of time. Permanently? Maybe really with a constant Prime thingy, but even that it would have to be a really tall tale. I'm talking hourly human sacrifices lead by the high priest of the island people, after the victims have bathed in the Prime fountain for a month each during which they were fed with the fruits of the Prime tree from the other side of the island, with the fruits being brought individually by slaves who get every finger that touched the fruit cut off after delivering it or something like that.

The legend needs to fit to the effect it creates. I think I should add that to the rules. :-)


That sounds insanely expensive lol. So not even purity can make an island fly. Interesting.