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The Shapers of the First Continent - Chapter 3

Started by Bedwyr, January 10, 2018, 05:32:02 AM

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Blood pumped.

Metals flowed out, molten rock poured back.  As Quaranis calmed, she began observing.  Considering.


Her first conscious efforts were small, tentative.  The many-colored gemstones of her tears were beautiful, but...Isolated.  She could do better.  Combining the colors, swirling star-stuff into them, she brought forth diamonds.

She was so pleased with her success that she was took stock of what else she could do.  Her precious lava and glorious metals were much, much better than the pure earth that had existed before, and she wrapped it around every inch of herself.  But a nagging itch (she reveled in it only being an itch, rather than the grinding agony of before) presented itself.  She had gathered the flow of water, the heat of fire, and the solidity of earth...But had none of air.

She tried calling the air to her.  Cracks formed above her, but let in only water.  Air pockets and bubbles formed in the earth nearby, but were quickly consumed or befouled.  Bringing the air to her seemed doomed.

But what of bringing her creations to the air?

She gathered, and built.  Magma gathered around her in a vast flood.  And she pushed.


The sea boils.  Water and lava meet in a vast explosion of steam.  Rock hardens in vast tubes, blooming across the emptiness [Create archipelago: 3 Purity].  And for one grand moment Quaranis blossomed in fire and glory into the air, her blood reverberating with the near-Primal union of the elements once more.

And then...Quaranis learned of gravity.

And everything fell.

Thus the Keahi Archipelago was born.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Might want to add the location of these islands on the map.


I'm not at all familiar with the mapping software, but I was imagining something like the Hawaiian islands except many more little ones (roughly a third the size of the Philippines), with the big island roughly in the middle where Quaranis herself fell.  Location on the attached.

Sheesh, Zakky, give me a minute to get it all out there (grins).
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


A sketch drawn in any graphics software would help, at least to understand the number and rough shape and size of the islands you are imagining. Or describe with words.


I'll do my best with words then:

I was planning on writing more about this in the City States story, but I imagine an epithet for the area is the Hundred Islands, though it's not precisely a hundred.  Thankfully for mapping purposes, almost all of them would be too small to register on a map the scale we are using, so the main islands that would show are the central island (basically the big island of Hawaii), roughly bracketed by four other islands roughly looking like Kahului (north west), Kauai (north east), Honolulu (south west), and Moloka'i (south east).  I don't much care about the shapes, honestly, the important thing is the big central isle with the four around it and the south east island being noticeably smaller than the other three.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


FWIW I really like this one. It's got a really cool impression of an organic process to creation that a primitive, non-technical society would use to describe these things.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Thanks Indirik!  That's exactly what I was going for, I'm glad that came through.  I'm all out of Purity, so the next step is to lure some life in (grins).
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"




I will need a few days to add it to the map as I am not home right now and don't have access to the map data.


Added it to the map, you will see it when I upload the next map update (i.e. not immediately).