Author Topic: Serpentis Resurgence - Ehrendill Eyolf Serpentis  (Read 6467 times)

Eduardo Almighty

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The Belt
Somebody once told me…

Under a sky of cotton clouds and a generous sun shining in her straw-gold hair, she ran, beautifully and gracefully with the eastern winds blowing her locks. Her soft green dress, her necklace of wild flowers with petals carried by the wind, her bare feet in an evergreen. She looked deliciously heathen, if not for her conservative heritage. Religiously puritan. The north was always like this, a world of well-defined lines; a world of wary dragons.

Olga, looking around, restlessly, her hands nervously clenching the dress: “Kkkaarrrllllllllllll”

In Zakilevo’s words, Karl was just a laid-back and less successful peasant of Sirion. With Parm and Sir Temple bordering his bee hives, there's not much needed in Ustimbar that can't be found in neighbor, prosperous cities. Under the small empire of the Prime Minister and Lord who declared them simpletons, they were forbidden to import from Rollbar. Well, Sirion was a lot looser now as always was in these mundane questions. Zakilevo now was hated not so quietly, but respectfully in the open where the buzzing of the bees covered the sound, like the “Kkkaarrrllllllllllll” of his deliciously puritanical and annoying wife. Sitting on a bench under the refreshing shade of a white tree, he put down the well-crafted ‘joint’ and shook his hand to get rid of the smoke after the last fumbling blow.

Karl, coughing: “Whattttttt…"

She ran to him, breathless, looking for words, sinless to that smell in the air: “He… He’s coming! It’s the end. All those Avamarian whores! Those ... those half-breeds of the Sultanate! A thousand blasphemies will fall on us!!! The Serpentis are all over Sirion! They aren’t satisfied with the south, now they want the north! Think about our children!!! We’re doomed!... WHAT’S THIS SMELL?”

Karl, the sharpest tool in the shed: “I love you, my sweet sunlight… but I’m celebrating. He doesn’t care about you and me, but he cares about the Law. What is the prohibition of a Prime Minister of a season compared to the laws of a Judge since... always? Judge Alexander, Judge Erik, every Judge after them… they never forbade us -- and even if they had, the caravans would never stop. The most experienced Banker is the one who knows how to handle the Black Market! We aren’t simpletons! We aren’t Sir Temple and we aren’t Parm. We are the belt! We tied and held them since ever. We feed them! If the young Dragon gives us a crumb of what they did for the south and for Avamar, I will be eternally grateful -- in this life and into the Void. All of this… now… just because the smell you hate... because all the smell Ustimbar was indoctrinated to hate… please – and he gave her his hand – Dance with me and I will give you a green gown!”

Olga beautifully nibbled her fleshy bottom lip. For so long they had to wear masks while in Avamar everyone lived in an eternal celebration, a masquerade of real faces and delights. Ehrendill was just a boy, what harm could he do for Ustimbar? She looked at his Karl, one of the descendants of the Impetuous Sword of Elune’s Wrath. He, despite the others, didn’t need to kneel before the lineage of dragons, sultans or whatever they were calling themselves now. Maybe, just maybe, this was her great opportunity to shine on a night so far without stars. Then, taking his hand, they danced. The dragon was coming to Ustimbar.
Now with the Skovgaard Family... and it's gone.
Serpentis again!