Author Topic: Rejected: Remove adventurers from the game  (Read 19014 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Remove adventurers from the game
« Reply #45: September 13, 2018, 02:31:44 AM »
You are starting to sound rude. 
If you are going to respond to posts please take the time to read them first.

No... Advies never get arrested or beaten by rogues, wtf. The rogues protect the advies, the rogues are a large part of why advies are unstoppable.

And advies run the risk of being arrested or beaten in any and every region they pass through, not only rogue regions.
There is no region that is truly safe for advies.

Strange that you would be relying on the Rogues to keep you safe from other nobles though.

Any noble in any region, be it rogue, allied, neutral or enemy regions, has the right to arrest or beat any advy they see.
A noble in an invading army can even arrest or beat an advy in the advies home realm.
Regardless of who owns the region, a noble has the right to arrest or beat any advy they find.

I hope this is a little more clear for you.