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Started by Medron Pryde, October 04, 2018, 10:51:28 AM

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Medron Pryde

Everybody knows that a strike was recently conducted on Wudenkin by agents of Daishi.

Well.  Yao Ling recently decided it was time to add her own say to the matter of Wudenkin and their Daimon worshiping ways.  So she walked into Wudenkin, fired off a scroll of hammerfall, a scroll of pain and suffering, and several summon scrolls.

And...she said a thing while there.  I figured I'd post it to the forum so all y'all that aint there can enjoy the festivities.  :)


Yao Ling walked down from the mountains with six priests who once ministered from the pulpit of Wudenkin’s temple.

The seven figures came to a stop outside bow range of the walls of Wudenkin and raised their rams horns high into the sky.  The high and shrill sound echoed off the walls in one grand cacophony.  Then a second and a third time they blew the horns.  A fourth time came accompanied by a thick cloud cutting off the sun and darkness fell upon the city.  They blew a fifth time and thunder rumbled in the heavens.  Lightning clashed in time to the sixth chorus.

And then the horns blew a seventh time and the hammer of the gods came down to smash against the walls of Wudenkin.  Rubble fell from the heights and rolled onto the plains below as the last echoes of the rams horns faded away and silence ruled.

Finally Yao Ling stepped forward and brought a different horn up to her mouth.  She began to talk, and her words came clearly to everyone who still had ears to hear.

“I have come in the name of the gods of humanity!  For the people of Wudenkin have sinned and followed the Daimons!  Your leaders have forsaken humanity and have torn down the temples in their pride and arrogance!  They have sacrificed the innocent and fed their blood to Daimons!  They have driven the people to riot and murder of their fellow citizens!

“Now I come with the words of the gods on my lips!

“Your leaders have been found guilty of the betrayal and slaughter of innocents!  And so your walls tremble before the sound of our horns!  Your judge is guilty of the murder of soldiers of humanity and will be punished unless he repents of his evil ways!

“To the people of Wudenkin, I exhort you to repent!  Repent of your wicked ways!  Rebuild the temples to the gods your leaders destroyed!  Stand with humanity as you did in ages past and all will be forgiven!  But if you continue in this wickedness, in this slaughter of innocents, the gods will spit you from their lips and ruin will come upon you!

“The gods have sent me with this warning to you all!  Disregard it at your peril!”
Then the six priests behind her blew on their horns once more and Yao Ling turned away from the city to the sound of their haunting calls.  The procession returned to their mountain pathways and faded away from the city without a trace.


Daishi only has 6 priests? No wonder Mordok is spreading.


Last I heard they only had 1. Which pops the following issue:

Quote from: Anaris on September 08, 2018, 11:05:03 PM
Priests are a very different story. For one thing, no character starts as a priest.

If we found that several characters had become priests for the express purpose of being able to pop in, use scrolls, and pop out without risk of retaliation, we'd come down on them pretty hard for abuse.

For another, as Bronnen's saying, there's a difference between what a noble should be able to accomplish and what a commoner should be able to accomplish in this world.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Honestly I don't care! Allows me to write the best Pro Mordok ramblings ever. Can't wait for Obeah to see this.
Conrad: The Duke (Perleone) Angela: The Prophet (Bara'Khur)
Wallace: The Assassin (Luria Ferrata) Martin (Aren)

Medron Pryde

Daishi has more than one priest.

Yao Ling as an example has been a priest for...oh something like ten real life years I think.  So...bless your heart, Chenier, but that boat don't float...

And the priests in that roleplay were non-player priests.  AKA, the ones you expect to have at temples.  And were specifically noted in that roleplay as ones who ministered from the temple in Wudenkin.  You should read the roleplay.  It was quite fun to write and I'd hate to think people were missing out.  ;)


It's all good, Mordok's gaining priests more and more!

Medron Pryde

I'm not surprised.  Most of the newer religions have more priests than Daishi does.

It goes with the territory.  Daishi has been around so long and has been so stable that the need to actually preach ended long ago.  It just sorta spreads by osmosis everywhere across the continent.

Which made the religion game here on Beluaterra rather boring for the priests, so they often went off and did other things.  Many warriors of Daishi used to be priests over the years.  And will probably become priests again now that real contenders in the religion game are starting to step up again.

One of the big reasons I haven't declared other religions evil in general is because I as a player want to give them a chance to get a foothold.  With the reach that Daishi has, I could easily curbstomp any religion I wanted to the moment I see it go up.  When Daishi is the majority religion in the majority of regions across the continent, it gives me an insane amount of latent power to use if I want to.  I don't want to.  I want the religion game to have more contenders and be more interesting.

So while Yao Ling grouses about the other religions in public, and questions their goodness, I as a player don't pull the trigger and start holy wars with them.

Mordok is the exception.  They went full on Daimon worship.  Yao Ling could not allow that to hold, so...boom...she declared them evil.  At which time other members of Daishi that were obviously gearing up for an attack, went hog wild and blew Wudenkin to dust bunnies.  I figure they figured if they could get Yao Ling to pull the trigger, they could pull the trigger.  So I figure they held onto some knowledge until the last minute, then handed it off to me and just hoped I reacted the way they wanted.  If I figure right, I got played a bit.

Which I absolutely love by the way.  The idea that there are players out there that have figured out what Yao Ling's buttons are to the point that I as a player don't even realize I'm being played until afterwards makes me chuckle with amusement.  And now Yao Ling is on the warpath.  Or at least the skirmish path.  ;)


Funny, I don't recall Angela demanding everyone to worship the invading Daimons. :P
Conrad: The Duke (Perleone) Angela: The Prophet (Bara'Khur)
Wallace: The Assassin (Luria Ferrata) Martin (Aren)


Funny how the Order seeks to destroy daimons, but as soon as Daishi priests see a threat to their popularity they default to "they must be daimon worshipers!"
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


Meh, it's all a repeat of a very old cassette, I'm not really taking any of it to heart. Poor Angela actually trying to reason with people. smh
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Medron Pryde

Considering the Order of Mordok preaches that humans must be sacrificed to the creator of the Daimons, you're close enough to a Daimon worshiper for Yao Ling to call you out on Daimon worshiping.  ;)


Quote from: Medron Pryde on October 07, 2018, 06:15:38 AM
Considering the Order of Mordok preaches that humans must be sacrificed to the creator of the Daimons, you're close enough to a Daimon worshiper for Yao Ling to call you out on Daimon worshiping.  ;)

To the creator of all life. Does this also make us Archaebacteria worshipers? Let's not forget Daishi is also a death cult.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)

Medron Pryde

Daishi knows that the Daimons come from another world.  They are not native to our world, and therefore do not come from the same source of life that we do.

Anyone who worships the creator of the Daimons is by definition worshiping the god who created them from wherever they come from, and are therefor obviously not worshiping the creator of life in this world.



What's to say he's not both? Those eyes are quite life giving...… and Mordok is quite incomprehensibly large! :D
Conrad: The Duke (Perleone) Angela: The Prophet (Bara'Khur)
Wallace: The Assassin (Luria Ferrata) Martin (Aren)


Quote from: Barrett on October 07, 2018, 10:53:08 PM
What's to say he's not both?

Other demons may beg to differ.....

^-_-^ (the mark of Zraath)  ;)
"...Together We Stand, Divided We Fall!..." -- 'Hey You', Pink Floyd