Author Topic: Abusive Players?  (Read 13912 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Abusive Players?
« Reply #15: October 20, 2018, 03:53:12 AM »
This attack could have been accomplished with nobles.
Clearly the problem here is not the advies, it is the magic.
The actions of the Devs point towards this as the first action taken was to remove scroll casting ability from advies until it could be "fixed".
The "fix" that was designed makes it harder for "advies" to cast scrolls.

Has this "fix" really addressed the real problem?
I do not think so.  It is still possible for a group of people to get together, gather up a bunch of scrolls, and "bomb" a realm.
Lead off with a couple of advies, priests and/or infils for initial damage to "sensitive" areas, then follow up with a group of nobles loaded up with the balance of destructive scrolls.  Not one soldier needed to "kick a realm when it is down". 

How could a realm that is not in good shape hope to defend against this?
There is no real defense against magic.  An advie can be arrested at any time for any reason to prevent their actions.