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Q-code flyers

Started by pcw27, March 07, 2019, 01:02:50 AM

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Q-code's are a great way to grab people's attention in the digital age. We could design a flyer with an embedded Q-code that links to the game. Anyone can print one out and post it to their school bulletin board, or hand them out at cons or just staple them to telephone poles.


I remember when every poster or ad had Q-codes, but here at least they are pretty much dead. The main use case I see these days are when they are paired with vendor apps for fast configuration of process hardware.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


I like this idea. Something like "For a good time, scan this ;)" followed by the Q Code?

Kidding! Haha. But seriously, maybe something slightly mysterious, so people are drawn in to find out what it is?
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Honor. Battle. Glory.
Heed your call.




Desire to know more intensifies

Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


I think it does need the Battlemaster name in the ad though not to totally mislead.


But what about mystery? Enigma? THE UNKNOWN?!
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


We can do both mystery and name at the same time. Just write below:

"Totally not battlemaster"
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)


Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Quote from: Gildre on March 14, 2019, 12:45:24 PM
Desire to know more intensifies

Nice. We could design our own if we want. This site will make the QR code for free and then we can decorate it however we like:

It might be a good idea to develop some kind of new-player landing page for this.


...what is wrong with the one I made? Is it NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!

I am hurt and offended.
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Quote from: Gildre on August 04, 2019, 02:13:29 AM
...what is wrong with the one I made? Is it NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!

I am hurt and offended.

Just in case you’re not being facetious, nothing’s wrong with it. I’m just saying we can each make our own if we want. I think it would be sweet to have one where the code is incorporated into an appropriate old medieval painting.


Was 100% joking :D

I am picking up what you are laying down.
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

via Imgflip Meme Generator

Obviously I have no imagery skill, and these are just example ideas, as we couldn't use the actual images, but is this kind of along the lines of what you are thinking?
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.