Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 52046 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #60: June 23, 2019, 10:00:39 AM »


Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair

The Phoenix Court: Part V - Binding Arbitration

June 1019

“Damn Blints,” Selenia muttered, wincing as she knelt to check the unconscious Andross’s breathing, turning his head so his lungs would not fill with rain and muck. No one moved as she rose to stand over him, none save those holding his howling direwolf at bay. Skia’s Howls added a chilling note to the music of the storm.

Selenia was soaked and chilled, but the exhilaration of the fight yet lent her its warmth, and she used it to address the assembled onlookers.

“When I summoned you all here,” she said, pitching her voice above the din of the rain and mournful howls, “It was to come together and correct a problem. This...spectacle-” she spat the word “- was a direct result of sabotage by incompetence by Queen Eriatarka. Her faults now are a known quantity to us all, and it would be irresponsible not to come together to lawfully discuss a new and immediate heir. I had invited Lord Ryndhal amongst we Xavax so that he may convince of his worth and aptitude face to face in a manner befitting one who would think to rule us. My intent was for him to be questioned, challenged, and evaluated fairly in open forum. I intend to do just that still. However…”

She looked down at the limp form of the Duke of Blades.

“However,” she repeated “this has only taught me that to relax in my vigilance is to court disaster. It has shown that there is work yet for me to do…” Her eyes snapped up to where Skia was still pulling strongly against her restraints, fangs bared. Her eyes sought the Captain of the Forged. “You there,” she summoned him even as she turned and beckoned likewise to Godric’s Captain of the Mounted Torren. She pointed up into the Temple. “Arbiter Godric lies within the healing ward. Bring the Duke there as well. Inform the healers that whichever man is the first to awaken will care for the wounds of the other until he, too, is well enough to leave. Their duel is fought, honor is satisfied, and healing will be had. I command this by their oaths to me. In the meantime, both Forged and Toren will defend this Sacred Place as though it were the Eyrie itself, with the joint authority of my own royal guard. Am I understood?”

The two men nodded their understanding and, together, carried Andross up the steps and into the temple. Selenia herself followed up a few steps before turning to address the crowd. As, grimfaced and drenched, Hogni met her and the  former handed her her cloak. She was already soaked, and the storm was easing perceptibly, but she accepted it anyway and put it about herself as she spoke. “The Phoenix Court will still be held. Now, however, there will be more than one candidate to question. When the time comes for the realm to determine who bear the crown of Greater Eponllyn, I will cast my name forward, and I will do so in the name of unity. If crowned, I will leave the title of Xerarch to take on the name of Phoenix Queen.But I will also form a unified government. I will ask that Duchess Maura or Lord Ryndhal take an active role by applying their local knowledge as my Chief of Commerce. For his lapse in judgement here today, I will ask Arbiter Godric to step down as Chief of Justice, and appoint instead Lord Gray Von Carstein to resume his former duties. Henceforth, under my reign, both positions will be open to regular elections to ensure the thorough mixing of ideas and values. And while stripping Lord Godric of his position in government will have to suffice, the Duke of Blades Andross Blint will instead be stripped of Kimmel. This is equal parts  confirmation as it is punishment, for it simply must be."

Her gaze panned over the assembly,  alighting here and there as though daring someone to gainsay her. At that moment, none chose to. She continued. "This It is not the first city we have had to give up in the name of this war, and we should have learned on the Path of Ashes that home is not a place, it is where our people stand. Now, this realm is where all our people stand. Whether we like it or not, the realm needs Bescannon, the realigning of the Northern Alliance requires that it be so, if we are to pursue our war against Perdan; the entire point behind the merger in the bloody first place and those knights that value Krimmel as their home of Greater Epponlyn as their nation our myself as their monarch are welcome to stay home and take up arms for Shadowdale instead. Finally, I will change the banner to the Redwing as promised.However, every year on my birthday a vote will be held whereby those of art and knowledge may submit new designs that may better represent the unified monarchy and its noble houses. This will give our people time to better learn of one another,and in so doing, perhaps a more all-encompassing banner may be devised and adopted. One vote, on package, one realm and one people.”

It was a longer speech than she’d wanted to make, but she’d had much to address. The words had flowed into her, inspired by all the recent conflagrations, and she’d allowed them to move her, feeling the truth in them as she breathed them into being. She ascended the steps, meeting the eyes of Nemean, her son, Ayden’s son. He nodded to her so subtly as to be imperceptible as he moved aside and offered her the entryway. She did not speak, but place a hand upon his shoulder, squeezing it as she re-entered the Hall of Elysia and shortly made her way to the seat she’d selected beneath the southern goddess. Armed, soaked, and dangerous-looking, blemished with mud and blood, Selenia seemed almost a living disciple of the warrior statue’s aspect.

“So,” she said into the silence after the hall had filled, elbows resting on her knees as she leaned towards the pulpit with a note of challenge in her voice. “Who else wants to be Queen?”