Author Topic: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin  (Read 51489 times)


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Re: The Tales of Nemean JeVondair Renodin
« Reply #75: July 24, 2019, 12:10:28 PM »

Welcome back, today I have perhaps the last piece in this particular and small Rp chain. Nemean departs on Alyssa's suggestion. Hope you like it.

Parting Words

/"No maid is as fair as my Lady in White!"/

Alyssa glared at him and he shot her a roguish smile.

"Captain," she said to the dark haired man as sternly as she could, "Please escort Sir Nemean back to his own camp. He seems to have wandered to the wrong side of the battle lines." ~Alyssa Kingsley

Watching the exchange from horseback Nemean couldn't help but feel a strange mix of wonder and perplexity. Alyssa had batted his hand away like it was nothing. The letters she had written him took on a new tone as he heard her voice rich with scolding. Lazily his rebuffed hand rested on the horn of his saddle as he tried to make sense of it all. Fierce like Selenia but with even more sense of purpose. The thought made him smirk.

Her every pose struck him as unique and tantalizing. Crossed arms a challenge. Her frown an invitation to convince her, the lackluster discipline of her captain a call to defend her. Defend her? His nose wrinkled at the thought. As Alyssa's captain deigned to direct him back and away Nemean shook his head to clear it of his daydreaming or musing, he wasn't sure what it was he just did. The dismissive gesture provoked the raven haired captain who thought it was directed at him. Ready to reinforce his intend with words the captain was about to speak as the young Lion of Eponllyn raised a hand to proverbially smother him. There a small spark of Nobility shone through. A certain poise and grace that caused pause in the captain and of which Nemean likely realized little of his own display.

Turning his attention to the fair Alyssa he left her with a choice few words before he departed. ''Apologies if I caused offence. That was not my intend. Merely to lay eyes upon her that gave me valued insight.'' Considering for a moment to say more, he decided against it and tugged on the reins, guiding his steed away from the Southron camp. A few strides into the departure he looked over his shoulder. Not so much to see if she was looking but rather to say. ''I hope I'll see you again.''

With those words having existed his mouth, he gave his mount his head and the mighty beast responded.Powerful legs propelled rider and horse ahead. Surging through the field, a black tail held aloft. The tall grass parting and rippling like a calm ocean disturbed. All the while darting out of the way of thundering hooves, a clutch of hare appeared. Panicked by their exposure but versed in evasion and soon vanishing in kind, behind the screens of vegetation.