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Started by Glaumring the Fox, March 03, 2011, 02:13:35 PM

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Quote from: Indirik on March 07, 2011, 08:06:33 PM
For the same reason that we have to recognize VE's claims to Asylon? Founder's claim is what Caerwyn used to force Asylon to kick out Sanguis Astroism. So, no, you don't *have* to accept SA's founders claim to Thulsoma. But to ingore that claim while enforcing it on Asylon is outright hypocritical.

Dude, what is all this throwing Asylon under the bus?  :-\ VE has no claim to Asylon beyond what I give it, and SA has not been kicked out of Asylon. It is true we kicked out the duke of Echuir and destroyed the temple there, but this centered more on an apparent power struggle within the realm that manifested itself strongly in that duke. Once the duke was removed and exposed, my position and power was solidified and a friend was established as duke.

I would also like to point out that there is a temple to SA in the Heaps, which initially caused quite the uproar in VE and Caerwyn (we are talking threats of annihilation).

So if you want to state that SA has a claim on Thulsoma, I would like to point out that at some point realms have to grow up and assert their own identity. Thulsoma did this and was killed for it, admittedly they did it in a foolish manner (you really need to take baby steps). We did it and although we truly had no actual power backing us up, we stood our ground. So please don't claim that we are a puppet of Caerwyn and VE, Asylon has put a great deal of effort into assuring that isn't the case.

disclaimer: I have very little against SA, I think it adds a great deal of interest to Dwilight. 
Moritz Von Igelfeld - King of Asylon
Moria Von Igelfeld - Viscountess of Lanston
Ulrich Von Igelfeld - Knight of Remton, Dark Isle Colonist

Glaumring the Fox

Indirik speaks clearly about the events.

Asylon is an independent nation, a secular nation and holds two faiths currently VE and SA. The difference between us and the Saxons is that the Saxons were xenophobic and tortured to attain a place for their religion and purposely pitted themselves against SA. SA in Asylon has worked with VE, we have advocated peace and cooperation, and our nation we believe is the future of Dwilight. Thulsomas end and Asylons beginning may at first seem the same but they diverge at a point. I know I was there for both realms ends and beginnings.

In my opinion SA has been more at war with themselves and for some reason the other realms have taken offense to that and have tried to include themselves in SA's internal struggles... VE and SA are hardly good enemies, there is not black or white struggle, or conflict, stars and elements are hardly goatheaded horned daimons and blood sucking baby eaters. This struggle will rise and it will fall, it will probably fall with VE taking the brunt of the fall because its nations are so scattered around the map, where many of the SA nations are close and feed off eachother in a cycle.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Anaris on March 03, 2011, 03:19:33 PM
having finally rid itself of scheming traitors

Barca is cool and Anaris-free.  No one falsely accuses you of treason there. 


Quote from: Igelfeld on March 08, 2011, 12:19:40 AM
Dude, what is all this throwing Asylon under the bus?  :-\ VE has no claim to Asylon beyond what I give it, and SA has not been kicked out of Asylon. It is true we kicked out the duke of Echuir and destroyed the temple there, but this centered more on an apparent power struggle within the realm that manifested itself strongly in that duke. Once the duke was removed and exposed, my position and power was solidified and a friend was established as duke.
Since I'm not in either Caerwyn or Asylon, and not a follower of VE, I can only speak based on what I've seen. We have been passed various messages from sources inside Caerwyn/VE that quite clearly and blatantly claim that Asylon is essentially VE property. Caerwyn threatened to go to war with Asylon because someone in Asylon built an SA temple. These messages also contained claims that since Caerwyn\VE founded Asylon, that they had control over what kind of religion was allowed in Asylon. I refer to these to merely point out that SA's "claim" on Thulsoma is essentially the same claim that various people in VE/Caerwyn were making regarding VE's "claim" on Asylon. (I'm pretty sure Chenier's character on Dwilight is a member of VE. I may be misremembering that, though.)
QuoteI would also like to point out that there is a temple to SA in the Heaps, which initially caused quite the uproar in VE and Caerwyn (we are talking threats of annihilation).
Yes, that's the incident I am talking about. Caerwyn's claim was that since the temple was adjacent to a Caerwyn region, that it would somehow pollute Caerwyn with SA followers. I had not heard that Caerwyn relented and allowed the temple to stay. My character dropped down to Aspirant status in SA a long time ago to avoid the insane/inane message traffic.
QuoteSo if you want to state that SA has a claim on Thulsoma, I would like to point out that at some point realms have to grow up and assert their own identity. Thulsoma did this and was killed for it, admittedly they did it in a foolish manner (you really need to take baby steps).
That's not really how it happened at all. Thulsoma was in the process of being abandoned due to massive monster invasions. One day, as the realm was falling apart in anarchy and empty of nobles, Haruka showed up as a new immigrant. She immediately elected herself as ruler and appointed herself as Duchess and just about every other council position. (Check Vanimedle' family history for the exact timeline.) Thulsoma didn't "grow up" to assert an identity. It was just suddenly taken over and literally overnight declared to be something completely different than it had been.
QuoteWe did it and although we truly had no actual power backing us up, we stood our ground. So please don't claim that we are a puppet of Caerwyn and VE, Asylon has put a great deal of effort into assuring that isn't the case.
I don't believe I ever claimed that Asylon was a Caerwyn puppet. I was merely pointing out that, from what I've seen, VE\Caerwyn claims some authority over the religious activities of the colony because they were the ones that founded it and had some hand in writing it's original charter.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Claims are debatable, their basis for legitimacy arbitrary.

I don't see why you want to debate these things OOC. It's unhealty, imo.

My ambitions and reasoning are not my characters'.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Someone started an ic/ooc topic and asked questions. I don't mind answering them, and maybe asking a few of my own, especially on the older topics. The recent Asylon topic, though, may be a bit too recent for a real all-in-the-open OOC discussion.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Glaumring the Fox

I don't mind the OOC, its interesting to hear different opinions.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

Gustav Kuriga

Interesting times in Morek, Duchess Allison is threatening secession because Grandmaster Bustoarsenzio is refusing to support her colony as she will be taking around 20 nobles with her. She might actually do it this time.

My character is trying to make the Auspicious Army neutral.


QuoteMy character is trying to make the Auspicious Army neutral.

And your character have just been completely undermined. :p

Ohhh man, sounds like SA is still chock full of cutthroats.

Gustav Kuriga

It is official, Aegir Duchy has seceeded from Morek. It is on like Donkey Kong.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on March 13, 2011, 03:06:01 AM
It is official, Aegir Duchy has seceeded from Morek. It is on like Donkey Kong.

So what is the story behind this? Is it just the frustrated colonization attempt?
Moritz Von Igelfeld - King of Asylon
Moria Von Igelfeld - Viscountess of Lanston
Ulrich Von Igelfeld - Knight of Remton, Dark Isle Colonist

Gustav Kuriga

A combination of that and supposed infringement on the rights that Dukes have.


Quote from: Igelfeld on March 13, 2011, 04:11:58 AM
So what is the story behind this? Is it just the frustrated colonization attempt?

Just a very badly concluded negotiation to keep the balance between "I found a colony with how many people I want" and "if you bring away 40% of Morek we are not going to be on friendly terms with your colony". Allison accused busto of not respecting the freedom of the duchies and asked he to step down. He didn't and she seceded.

War is quite likely

Yay? So 40% of Morek consists of fanatics and/or manipulable idiots?  8) Wait then why isn't Bowie in Entei (a pokémon?  :o lol)