Author Topic: Dave's Galaxy  (Read 535291 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Dave's Galaxy
« Reply #2010: June 13, 2012, 01:35:24 AM »
what do nebulae even do. and what is being done to fix the fundamental problem of expsnaniton

"Are the nebula for looks or do they have an effect in the game?"

Dave Case:
"They will have effects. Ships will be able to accelerate faster in
them (Boussard Ramjet -- probably an upgrade), probably use them for
some sort of mining type operation (Helium 3?) that you can use on
your planets as well. I might make the 2nd level of nebulae provide
ftl speeds, not sure about that one yet.
I'm also going to try to do something with yellow stars and red
giants. "