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Dave's Galaxy

Started by Silverfire, July 20, 2011, 09:25:52 PM

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Montedrago just took over one of my neighbours this turn, so he is obviously expanding in this direction. Not sure if it was an inactive player thought. His two neighbours haven't changed their society level in the last day at least. I read that Dave said that he was planning to introduce newbie protection? Is it instituted?


Quote from: Galle on October 10, 2011, 06:38:37 PM
I read that Dave said that he was planning to introduce newbie protection? Is it instituted?

Sort of. Taking a planet is now based on size of population, size of attacking fleet and society level. You can still defend by building a single scout every turn though until you can build a big enough fleet to take them out, so not too bad, but still can be annoying for new players. The only thing the update changed is that you can't take an inactive home planet with a scout any more, meaning it's harder for people to take someone out if they look to be inactive but really just went away for the weekend :P


bugger.. sent a few bunches of scouts out a while back XD
don't understand it.. on kappa aquanis (1921.7,1834.7 ) pd still inactive.. that planet has 20% tax, farm sub, pd and ms1 only.

but it's part of a 2 stop circular route (with home planet) with 10 bulkfreighter in the route. or at least that's meant to be the case... 

i'll scrapped the regional gov from home planet to see if helps.. it's just plain weird.

don't tell me the "required resource" is the resource needed for it to be active, rather than what it takes to build.


Quote from: Nathan on October 10, 2011, 07:22:55 PM
You can still defend by building a single scout every turn

Thats retarded. The other fix is almost useless.


Quote from: fodder on October 10, 2011, 07:52:30 PM
don't tell me the "required resource" is the resource needed for it to be active, rather than what it takes to build.


I think it has something to do with the order turn updates are done. I'm guessing it takes Quatloos before granting them, meaning you're fine after a while because you'll have built up a solid base of Quatloos so even if it takes everything before granting you some, you'll still have what you need.

However I think I'm haemorrhaging Quatloos from somewhere. I had around 900kq last turn and this turn I have just shy of 500k. However, I do miraculously gain Quatloos some times. I definitely didn't have 900k a few days ago and the only thing that happened is that my trade ships returned and then left (that was 2/3 days ago though).

Quote from: Kai on October 10, 2011, 08:42:07 PM
Thats retarded. The other fix is almost useless.

Agreed. I think changing it to keeping track of ships that didn't fight that turn and then having them bombard the planet might be a good step. So if I have 10 Cruisers on a planet, the enemy builds 1 scout, it'd use 2 Cruisers to fight the scout and then 8 Cruisers to bombard the planet.


The change has made it even harder to breach PD, even if the player is inactive. Before I could send 150-200 destroyers and most likely what arrived at the planet would capture it, now the percentage chance is so low I need to send massive fleets. The good side it is possible to destroy a players PD.

Maybe the change will stop players like Uranus sending tiny fleets all over the map to grab new player planets, maybe not, but wars just got a whole heap messier. I've decided to do some mass arc expanding while simply doing the minimum to hold my borders, from what I've seen now I need fleets in the 400-500 cruiser range to effectively fight guys like Flyingmana, and that is just too much waiting around for resources, think I will expand right up to them and build PD's along their borders. It is also slow going, but more satisfying somehow.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


coincidence? killed regional gov yesterday and today the pd goes active. planet had 170k q yesterday? today it has 230k... but budget surplus is like 40-50k... XD (no trade report yesterday or today)


Region government rakes in heaps of cash for me; 140,000 income, 11,000 cost. Without it, my budget would be in constant danger of trade-driven imbalances.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


yeah... but the thing is... it drains the same cash from the other planets and i don't know whether it's that drain that made the pd inactive for me.


Quote from: Vellos on October 11, 2011, 06:06:52 PM
Region government rakes in heaps of cash for me; 140,000 income, 11,000 cost. Without it, my budget would be in constant danger of trade-driven imbalances.

How does RG work? Is it an extra expense on the budget of each planet? Or is it like tax income from them, so it just adds to the income on the home planet without doing anything to the other planets?


i think

it's an invisible (in the budget anyway) cash grab (5% income?) from all other planets inside the circle towards the planet with the RG

has to be something like that, otherwise you would be creating free cash from nowhere and there's no point to the warning of not putting RG on every planet.


As far as I can tell, a planet can give 5% of its income to a regional government. If it is in two RGs, it will give to just one, I think. Because it isn't in the budgetary expenses of those planets, so it must be an invisible item.

I think having a few RGs is a net positive, but there is no extra gain for overlapping RGs. Moreover, my outlying planets don't need cash as much as my home planets. Outlying planets have excess cash from the scrapping of subspacers to transfer population, and can afford to run deficits, especially as their upgrades are relatively cheaper.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: De-Legro on October 11, 2011, 01:17:55 AM
Maybe the change will stop players like Uranus sending tiny fleets all over the map to grab new player planets, maybe not, but wars just got a whole heap messier.

Ok, I'm going to say this for clarification. From what I have seen, and I live right next to him on his doorstep, Uranus only takes the home planets of those who go inactive. If a player's active, he won't bother them, and spends most of his time colonizing new planets.

Also, I just wanted to say that I think sirgumby's gone inactive. He is currently being scout spammed by a player named baz. If that's any of you, I'd warn you that sirgumby is allied with uranus, and poking the sleeping giant is not something you want to do.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on October 11, 2011, 11:29:08 PM
Also, I just wanted to say that I think sirgumby's gone inactive. He is currently being scout spammed by a player named baz. If that's any of you

Nope, none of us! Nice to see you back posting in this thread, I thought we'd lost you for a moment :P

I've updated the front page to include Galle (I completely forgot to do that a few days ago >.<).


Oldry is sending 200 crusiers from Omega Octansbae 3 (West of Kia) into my core area. He is going to pass through Toms space to do this it seems. He is either after some of my planets, or he is going for Jahorens remaining planets. He timed it pretty well, I just blew my surplus in the area on arcs, but I should have something to welcome him when he arrives.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.