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Approved: Additional Vote Counting Systems

Started by Andrew, May 11, 2020, 05:25:41 PM

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Title: Additional Vote Counting Systems

Summary: Add voting systems that count based off the fortifications of a lord's settlement, by the types and number of soldiers commanded, as well as by the population of estates lorded over, or some other thing.

Details: BattleMaster is an old game, so it should be an old game with options. As such I shall detail each proposal below:

  • By spears - Each soldier counts for a vote.
  • By swords - Like above, but better soldiers count more.
  • By horses - Only cavalrymen count for voting.
  • By chivalry - Only the chivalrous cavaliers may vote.
  • By forts - Lords vote based on the defenses of their holding. Better forts? More votes.
  • By heads - Lords vote based on the population of their region.
  • By honor - Nobles vote with weight based on honor score.
  • By prestige - Nobles vote with weight based on prestige score.
  • By guilds - Lords vote based on the number of guilds hosted in their lands.
  • By archers - Because they're the best.
Benefits: The increased options allow realms to add some more flavoring to their ways and, and this is the really important part, this way people can't say "But M&F has..." in regards to voting types. Also potentially results in more unpredictable votes.

Possible Downsides/Exploits: Would require an update to the manual page and for some systems voting results could be unpredictable.
Blame Vita for this.
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Quite interesting. I actually really like this idea. In some aspect, it reminds me of those weighted vote systems.


This is GLORIOUS. It'd also provide *plenty* of IC drama potential for new voting systems based on shifting culture, population, etc. If the realm's cavaliers have all died or departed, then reform is in order. The resulting debate would be dictated by extant noble population and thus subject to all the whims, backstabbery, and powerbasing inherent to politics. This could provide a major change in direction for any realm, and be quite interesting to watch!
Apsu@Legends. BM: Yxevarii Auru'in, Grandmistress [Ruler;Priestess-Inquisitor] (Obia'Syela-BT); Sigrid Gudrun Auru'in, Avenging Exile of Xavax, Countess of Slimbar (Redhaven-EC);  Masalu Auru'in, Linguistically-Challenged Sumerian Death-Cultist (D'hara-DW)


This should go live with the next update to BM, whenever that is, as I'll have finished testing it all tonight and Delvin already merged 90% of the code for this into the main development repo (lol).

It includes not only the above options, but also voting by any other class, voting by CS, and voting by all other unit types.

Also, if you accidentally cause anarchy, I will laugh at you.
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Matthew Runyon

Oh, man, definitely looking forward to this!
