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Let's Play the Colonial Adventurer!

Started by, March 04, 2011, 02:16:14 AM

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The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

Leia checks out the situation.

The local lord here has posted a bounty of 36 silver for the elimination of undead.
You investigate the monster situation in Irdalni. You hear of no monster activity.

Well, and of course then there is the monster group of 11 beasts that's running around eating everything and everyone, but as an organized monster group they are beyond your abilities - the militia or knights will have to deal with them.
What you can do to help is check them out. (takes another 2 hours)

Then you turn to look for undead. You hear rumours about undead and a few who claim to have seen them from afar.

Still want to hunt for undead?


Yes, but only hunt to group three, then draw a map for Commander Jepel. He's the experienced fighter, after all.


The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

After 9 hours, 3 of which were spent running around looking for undead, Leia finally found some.

Looking down at the rotting corpses in more than one way, Leia tried to run but she was surrounded. With no other recourse but to fight, she swung blindly with her stick, hoping none of the undead would tear up her new cloth underwear. It took six hours before she was finally finished, and though there seemed to be more waiting, there was an opening. She stuck her tongue out at some of the walking corpses and ran away quickly.

Leia now has 1 gold 6 silver. How shall we spend it?

Time: 3 hours
Fatigue: 14


The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


What regions can she move to? Perhaps one of them has better accommodations?

Neighbouring Regions
travel to...

    * Abaka (Minas Thalion)
      good road, 150 miles, ca. 7 hours
    * Alowca (Oritolon)
      bad road, 118 miles, ca. 8 hours
          o take a coach (2 gold, 1 silver, 6 hours)
    * Grentzen (Oritolon)
      good road, 223 miles, ca. 11 hours
    * Warmanoras (Oritolon)
      bad road, 190 miles, ca. 14 hours

We have 7 hours right now, about to be 8 by the next even hour. Leia has 1 gold 6 silver on hand. She can find a bedroll or a tent in a rural I believe, but I'm not sure if searching for pretty plenties or balanced and boring would give a better chance of finding them. Surely those can't be rare and risky, can they?


"pretty plenties" would have the best chance of finding a bedroll.

Still, I think that maybe finding another adventurer to mooch off of might be a better use of her time. I say Grentzen.

Leia's now in Grentzen. 0 hours, 0 fatigue, 11 silver.

So while we wait, she now has 7% combat gear. That means she has on cloth panties and leather boots. To illustrate the point, have a picture:

Warning: Possibly NSFW? It's kinda cartoonish and not meant to be distasteful but a funny rendition of our hapless adventurer.


Did you draw that?  It's pretty awesome, and when will she get some... clothes?
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

Yes, I drew that, but by hand. Colored via Photoshop, which explains some roughness. Still not that realistic, but then again, my drawing style was never for "realistic drawings" anyway.

Leia will get clothes as she improves her combat gear. By 10% she should have cloth: panties, boots, undershirt, trouser/shorts hybrids (Think Elena's...capris? from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune), shirt. Notice they're in increments of 1% to 10% from 5%. This was not planned, but it somehow worked out. Yay.


Maybe we should sell her combat gear, the lot of it :D  8)

(j/k, please go on with the thread. good idea :) )


Quote from: Skyndarbau on March 14, 2011, 12:04:00 AM
Maybe we should sell her combat gear, the lot of it :D  8)

(j/k, please go on with the thread. good idea :) )

I see where you're going with this... :P
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

Ok, update: DST activated in the US. That means for me, Leia regens hours every odd hour now.

She has 11 silver, and adventuring gear is 5 silver here. Should we buy her a piece of map and a piece of compass needle to bring her to 7%?

Also, at two hours:
You have encountered a sage, a wise man, rumoured by many to have magical powers. He and his kind are the only people capable of repairing and sometimes even improving unique items.
He also offers you to make an item for you, a very rare opportunity indeed. He will need special ingredients for this, and he can only help you if you bring these:
Piece of Amber
Ancient Crown
You do not have all of these, so he shakes his head and tells you there is nothing he can do. Maybe if you could acquire them, within the hour?
He also indicates that at this time, considering the season, the stars and some other mystic things that you don't quite understand, the chance of successfully creating a unique item is unusually good.

And we have neither of those two... Oh well.

The lord of this region has posted a bounty of 120 silver for the slaying of monsters.
The local lord here has posted a bounty of 120 silver for the elimination of undead.

You investigate the monster situation in Grentzen. You hear many rumours about monsters and encounter several witnesses who have seen them with their own eyes.

Then you turn to look for undead. You hear rumours about undead and a few who claim to have seen them from afar.

I don't know about Leia, but this Beamer is looking at some major money to be made.