Author Topic: Let's Play the Colonial Adventurer!  (Read 46596 times)

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Re: Let's Play the Colonial Adventurer!
« Reply #90: April 18, 2011, 02:59:27 PM »
What happened with those portal stones? Since this is Colonies, I'm prepared to see...nothing special happen. But hey, it'll fulfill one of Leia's goals.

And update: Leia's not dead, and I haven't forgotten about her or this LP.

She's been trying to gather and hunt, to little success. The comic is also going to go very slowly because for the rest of this month and until May 18, I will be busy with the last of my exams, and I will have preparations to make for my college graduation.

Leia's in Portion now. But no stones.


Common Items

Adventure Gear (22x)
Battered Armour
Bear Hide
Combat Gear (16x)
Empty Keg (3x)
Hardened Leather
Lump of Wax
Thief's Hand (2x)
Wolf's Hide

Useable Items

Bandages and Alcohol
Keg of Beer

As you can see, Leia's been drinking a bit, an has already emptied three kegs. Things are blurry for her right now. However, she does have lots more gear now, and finally is fully clothed!

Now that she's in the big city, supposedly filled with barbarians of Lukon, what shall she do? From experience, she seems to be capable of occasionally skipping group 1 now. But the last investigation in Portion said "some rumors" for both monsters and undead.