Author Topic: Threats of reprimand due to playing speed  (Read 41248 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Threats of reprimand due to playing speed
« Reply #45: August 19, 2011, 06:51:35 PM »
Edward VIII's right to rule was his inalienable right as the successor to the throne until he voluntarily renounced the throne. If you accept the gold I would take it as you having voluntarily given up your right to complain about your IR being violated. Unless we are condoning OOC nastiness in accepting the gold and then making a report? I would not but apparently standards do differ.

I'm here as well.  The last thing I ever want to see is people being encouraged to mix IC and OOC actions and motivation any more than they already do.

Though to be perfectly fair, I've never been a big fan of the IR, as written.  I've always been more of the opinion that Loren has- you have a perceived right violated in the game? Deal with it in the game. Blacklist people. Leave the realm. Fight back. Oust them in a vote. Hire a hit. Protest. Rebel.  Hell, there's more options to show how you voice your displeasure and complain than there is anything else in the entire game.  People need to be encouraged to deal with things inside the mechanics unless there's a clear, repeated violation because Joe Dirtbag needs to find a new game to play. We shouldn't be enabling people to go tattle to big brother just because their feelings get hurt. Screw being PC.  Titan/Magistrate complaints should be a last resort, not a first option.

If the accidental/incidental infractions were dealt with in the game, I think the players/characters would police themselves. Strict, hardcore realms with jerks for leaders would die out or be overthrown. Open, freer realms would expand in population and have just cause for invading the jerks who ran them off.  People would learn. And there wouldn't be the incidents of "I feel really bad about this, but the rules say this guy needs to get locked for a day. I know he didn't mean it though."

All of that said, I've always supported enforcing the IR, not because I approved of it, but because it's Tom's vision for the game. But vision can change, given some gentle nudging.