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The Enweil/Riombara thread

Started by Shenron, August 20, 2011, 06:55:14 AM

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Cheniers, during the last war we were taking Irombro, Rines, Athol Margos, Cjelegy, Ajitmon, Melegra. While we fought Enweil at the same time. We were getting stronger each refit, while Enweil didn't. So who was winning?

The invasion saved ya.


Quote from: D`Este on August 21, 2011, 09:13:52 PM
Cheniers, during the last war we were taking Irombro, Rines, Athol Margos, Cjelegy, Ajitmon, Melegra. While we fought Enweil at the same time. We were getting stronger each refit, while Enweil didn't. So who was winning?

The invasion saved ya.

Eh, no. You took all of that, which Enweil caused you to lose in the first place, while Enweil was fighting against the combined mights of Sint, Hetland, Mesh, and Heen.

You were getting stronger because you were starting from the very bottom regaining your *former levels of strength* because we were leaving you alone.

You make it sound as if Riombara grew into a giant while fighting Enweil. It didn't. It regrew to *previous levels* only, and this because it *wasn't having any fights at all* with Enweil.
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In the end all of BT just hates Enweil, so either way it's doomed to have no friends or bully people into being their "friend". Nobody likes cops, except for cops themselves.
Ardet nec consumitur.


Quote from: Fleugs on August 21, 2011, 09:35:38 PM
In the end all of BT just hates Enweil, so either way it's doomed to have no friends or bully people into being their "friend". Nobody likes cops, except for cops themselves.

Cops? Riombara's playin' Dirty Hary here. Enweil didn't bully anyone into being her friend. She gained friends by, you know, helping people out when they were in trouble? It has never been snobby or belligerent with its allies. At least, not in the last years. And from I heard, not before either.

Though there was a time where it *was* like that, this behavior was aimed at foreigners, not at allies.
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If Fronen loses the war, many nobles will likely join Enweil. Enweil already 29 nobles and my character can convince at least 20-30 nobles to join Enweil. Once that happens you can say goodbye to Riombara.


Quote from: Zakilevo on August 22, 2011, 07:13:26 AM
If Fronen loses the war, many nobles will likely join Enweil. Enweil already 29 nobles and my character can convince at least 20-30 nobles to join Enweil. Once that happens you can say goodbye to Riombara.

Rio just lost yet another fight.

I was already saying goodbye to Riombara.  8)
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Quote from: Chénier on August 21, 2011, 09:08:10 PM
And it's easy to quadruple your size when you have just 1 region left. "Imagine if you had been winning?" That's the point, though. You weren't.

When I joined Riombara it was Grehk, Mio and Ardmore. We took over Irombro, Rines and Athol Margos, went from a one-duchy realm to a four-duchy one.

If it's that easy, why don't you do it? We're not fighting any battle in your lands yet.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: vonGenf on August 22, 2011, 08:51:34 AM
When I joined Riombara it was Grehk, Mio and Ardmore. We took over Irombro, Rines and Athol Margos, went from a one-duchy realm to a four-duchy one.

If it's that easy, why don't you do it?

Because, uhm, we didn't lose any regions, and so our noble/region ratio isn't >9000 like Rio's was?

You obviously joined Riombara after Enweil gave it the whoopin' of the century. There's no challenge to taking all these regions when they don't belong to anyone, you had enough nobles to take them over, and your main enemy (Iro had given up by then anyways, and had that multi issue ravage them) nowhere on the horizon. And therefore only witnessed a small campaign before the invasion came, where all of the action was focused on the Dominion instead of you and for which the highlight was an ambush on an nonstrategic retreat that was called because of the invasion.

I can't believe you actually consider that to be an accomplishment.

Quote from: vonGenf on August 22, 2011, 08:51:34 AM
We're not fighting any battle in your lands yet.

Precisely. Fheuv'n gained a bunch of nobles and will therefore be expanding, but Enweil was, and likely is still way too spread thin on nobles to make acquiring a region that has been rogue forever even the least bit alluring. Because they have been successful at defending their lands. They won't do TOs on you, they'll frigging turn you rogue, man. Riombara is isolated, and has a very fragile food surplus to sustain all of these big and growing cities.

I never claimed that Enweil had the most efficient army. But it has other things to help compensate for an imperfect army and a *very* disadvantageous geographical outlay.
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Riombara was also down to one duchy during the 4th invasion. They had only Grehk and were surrounded by monster militia. They hadn't the forces to fight off the monsters in order to expand and get food to the people of their capital.

I was General of Enweil at the time and found it in our hearts to save humanity rather than watch our oldest enemy die. We came down and fought together against those militia hoards. We saved Riombara from destruction - when the Meridian Republic would do nothing to help them.
New Harte Family: Eros (Vix Tiramora, EC), Nyx (Fronen, BT), Chance (Avernus, DW), Scopuli (Gothica, Colonies)

Old Harte Family: Hyperion (Aurvandil, DW), William (IVF, BT), Katrina (Fronen, BT), Callandor II (Ohnar West, FE)

Tan dSerrai

Aye, even though Chenier tries to negate it there was a /lot/ of bad blood between Riombara and the Meridian Republic. Riombara takes a very dim view on secessions. And yes, Riombara does remember Enweils aid quite well - and most (not all naturally...sigh) honour Enweil for it. Same reason we did aid Enweil when they were hit by the post-invasion spawns harder than we were. We did consider it highly likely that Enweil would attack Riombara once Enweilian rebuilding was fiished but still sent what aid we could. I tend to think of Enweil and Riombara as two old, grumpy men who have settled so comfortably into continually bitching at each across their joint garden fence that each would be at complete loss if the other one went and died. Its good to have an honoured enemy.


Quote from: Tan_Serrai on September 18, 2011, 10:10:37 PM
Aye, even though Chenier tries to negate it there was a /lot/ of bad blood between Riombara and the Meridian Republic. Riombara takes a very dim view on secessions. And yes, Riombara does remember Enweils aid quite well - and most (not all naturally...sigh) honour Enweil for it. Same reason we did aid Enweil when they were hit by the post-invasion spawns harder than we were. We did consider it highly likely that Enweil would attack Riombara once Enweilian rebuilding was fiished but still sent what aid we could. I tend to think of Enweil and Riombara as two old, grumpy men who have settled so comfortably into continually bitching at each across their joint garden fence that each would be at complete loss if the other one went and died. Its good to have an honoured enemy.

Bah your perfectly reasonable in game accounts lack the requite propaganda inherent in Riombara/Enweil relations. The scary thing is some times it seems like certain player BELIEVE their own propaganda.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on September 19, 2011, 12:24:07 AM
Bah your perfectly reasonable in game accounts lack the requite propaganda inherent in Riombara/Enweil relations. The scary thing is some times it seems like certain player BELIEVE their own propaganda.

The Riombara side lacks fire now that Anaris isn't running things any more.

No one hated Enweil like good old Delvin  ;)


Yawn... Riombara and her stupid votes. Haven't they gotten over it already!
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


They did, but then they elected Marche as Ruler. And with Liara as Judge, I think that it will only get worse ;)


Quote from: Lefanis on June 05, 2012, 03:44:01 PM
Yawn... Riombara and her stupid votes. Haven't they gotten over it already!

In general, it's always people up to no good who've been the ones that don't like the voting and try to bypass it, like Mordred and Hvrek. This makes Evander like all that voting much more than he would normally be inclined to, as he's seen what happens when people disregard it.