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Giblot: Dead or Alive?

Started by Revan, August 31, 2011, 03:33:01 PM

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Quote from: Revan on September 05, 2011, 03:34:21 AM
I can't decide whether Lukon is simply too powerful now she has three cities at her back or whether this is just woeful incompetence/stagnation at the worst possible time on Giblot's part.

Mostly incompetence. There were plenty of battles that I knew our armies could win, but it'd come down to a bit of luck and decent formations. But the "they have more CS so don't fight them" attitude was banded about by a few nobles and battles never happened. But when you're fighting Lukon, they always have more CS than you, which lead to Giblot's armies sitting in the city and picking off stragglers when Lukon had to go back for gold.


Quote from: Nathan on September 05, 2011, 12:09:18 AM
Yup, worked in Alowca and I loved it. We managed to stay alive for quite a while. If Giblot had been more alive and there had been more room for people to have their input, she'd easily have survived a lot longer than she is doing now.

Room for more people to have input? I played ruler, judge, and general in Giblot without very much opposition. Will Bell just waited until the very last day of voting to see if someone else would run for Chancellor, and nobody applied--we almost had an anarchy.

The problem is not that people are crowded out. It's that they're not even trying to contribute.


Quote from: egamma on September 07, 2011, 01:14:46 AM
Room for more people to have input? I played ruler, judge, and general in Giblot without very much opposition. Will Bell just waited until the very last day of voting to see if someone else would run for Chancellor, and nobody applied--we almost had an anarchy.

The problem is not that people are crowded out. It's that they're not even trying to contribute.

Markus/Lucius not General any more then? They were my character's main problem.

I play her as a military strategist (she was invited to Giblot from Assassins to do exactly that) and it was fine whilst the old General was in charge, Allyah had free reign to do whatever she wanted that followed his orders and I didn't lose a single battle (despite Markus/Lucius crying about terrible strategies). Then one lost battle in Outer Tilog city because of Markus not following orders (admittedly I would be abusing battle mechanics a little there, so probably deserved a loss). Markus (or was it Lucius?) got General, sent very late orders countermanding my previous move orders to kick out Lukon from a region. I argued it was suicide because people wouldn't see the orders. Battle was lost because some people couldn't log in to see the orders and others did - some even ignored them because it was from the General and not the Marshal. 150 gold fine was given to Allyah. She was stripped of her Marshal position and then military strategy was never discussed in public again. Every time I tried to bring it up was met with a "remember what happened last time" or "no, I'm General/Marshal" from Markus/Lucius. Then nobody would give her a knighthood, meaning the fine couldn't be paid off so I couldn't really play the game, so I left.

It all just felt very cliché-y and secretive once Lucius/Markus was made General. Quite a few other people pointed this out to me in private after I had that OOC rant.

If I sound bitter by the way, it's because I am. I enjoyed Giblot, but my fun was shot down in flames by one player on a power trip.


Quote from: Nathan on September 07, 2011, 01:45:15 AM
Markus/Lucius not General any more then? They were my character's main problem.

I play her as a military strategist (she was invited to Giblot from Assassins to do exactly that) and it was fine whilst the old General was in charge, Allyah had free reign to do whatever she wanted that followed his orders and I didn't lose a single battle (despite Markus/Lucius crying about terrible strategies). Then one lost battle in Outer Tilog city because of Markus not following orders (admittedly I would be abusing battle mechanics a little there, so probably deserved a loss). Markus (or was it Lucius?) got General, sent very late orders countermanding my previous move orders to kick out Lukon from a region. I argued it was suicide because people wouldn't see the orders. Battle was lost because some people couldn't log in to see the orders and others did - some even ignored them because it was from the General and not the Marshal. 150 gold fine was given to Allyah. She was stripped of her Marshal position and then military strategy was never discussed in public again. Every time I tried to bring it up was met with a "remember what happened last time" or "no, I'm General/Marshal" from Markus/Lucius. Then nobody would give her a knighthood, meaning the fine couldn't be paid off so I couldn't really play the game, so I left.

It all just felt very cliché-y and secretive once Lucius/Markus was made General. Quite a few other people pointed this out to me in private after I had that OOC rant.

If I sound bitter by the way, it's because I am. I enjoyed Giblot, but my fun was shot down in flames by one player on a power trip.

I find the Domitas brothers to be extremely annoying. The problem is, nobody is even trying to run against Lucius for General, and until that happens, the judge can't ban him. I suppose I should have played 'rebel judge' and not fined you, but that would be against Gellin's religion, which emphasizes order, etc.

Vaylon Kenadell

I left Giblot and Colonies because I found Markus and Lucius to be extremely annoying characters, and I found their player to be annoying as well. I despise illiterate people.

I'm much happier in Atamara. Well, sort of.


Quote from: Vaylon Kenadell on September 07, 2011, 06:53:59 AM
I left Giblot and Colonies because I found Markus and Lucius to be extremely annoying characters, and I found their player to be annoying as well. I despise illiterate people.

I'm much happier in Atamara. Well, sort of.

illiterate? Or just not a native English speaker.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on September 07, 2011, 07:03:25 AM
illiterate? Or just not a native English speaker.

Not native English speaker. I'm sure the last time I checked it listed his English skills as "good", but looking now his details are hidden so I can't be certain.

I found it very frustrating having to continually explain things to him only for him to not understand, making it very difficult to debate anything. But there's nothing I can do about that, hence why I didn't mention it before.

Stue (DC)

Quote from: Nathan on September 07, 2011, 01:45:15 AM

It all just felt very cliché-y and secretive once Lucius/Markus was made General. Quite a few other people pointed this out to me in private after I had that OOC rant.

If I sound bitter by the way, it's because I am. I enjoyed Giblot, but my fun was shot down in flames by one player on a power trip.

that was excellent opportunity to conduct and maintain internal political tension, but instaed you went to some ooc fighting, with no any reason to go ooc at all, and everything sank into apathy, which is always consequence of ooc escapades that smash in-game tension.


I'm not sure about non-native speaker (user details are private right now) but his main crime is run-on sentences that just go on and on and complain and complain and accuse others of incompetence and use lots of exclamation points and BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS and is just pretty annoying in general and I have seen plenty of native English speakers write like this and it's usually the non-natives that can actually right correctly and I think I have explained the situation pretty well with this long sentence don't you think?


Quote from: Stue (DC) on September 07, 2011, 02:36:21 PM
that was excellent opportunity to conduct and maintain internal political tension, but instaed you went to some ooc fighting, with no any reason to go ooc at all, and everything sank into apathy, which is always consequence of ooc escapades that smash in-game tension.

Because I was just annoyed at him. The way I saw it there was no internal tension at all, Allyah was just being blatantly ignored & shouted down. I would have been fine if it was "I'm shouting you down for the sake of gameplay", I had that plenty of times in Lasanar and it was always fun to come fighting back. But this was just "sit down and shut up", which was completely un-fun. I tried pointing it out to him OOC, but by that time I was so pissed off with him and his characters I just wanted to leave Giblot so my ranting came out as exactly that: a rant. If I'd had any public IC support from anyone then it'd probably have softened my anger a little, but I had 2 (I think) people tell me in character that she was the rightful Marshal (both of whom wouldn't speak up publicly because they didn't want a fine) and then 2 (again, I think) other people tell me OOC that they were annoyed too, but didn't want to do anything about it IC (I forget their reasons).

Besides, the apathy was there way before my rant. I'll admit, it probably didn't help things. But Giblot was dead anyway, I probably only hurried along the eventual apathetic destruction.


Quote from: egamma on September 07, 2011, 03:01:27 PM
and use lots of exclamation points and BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS

Oh god, yes, I forgot about that. I tried pointing that out to him in character that he sounded childish. Worked for a while and a lot of people called him a child, but when he didn't change people gave up trying to reason with him.


It happened in Lukon too, I believe Portion, Wetham, and other realms tried that tactic on Lukon when it was a single city realm and now those two cities are part of Lukon.  This just goes to prove if you know what you are doing, just plain lucky or a combination of the two you can come back from the Brink.  Giblot might still have a chance but unless they start to do something right, it will not be much of one.
Beldragos Family:  Baal Zephon (Madina), Morganna - Adv (Madina), Atrox - Adv (Assassins), Galvenor (Retired), Mephista (Lukon), Luci (Sirion)


Quote from: Beldragos on September 13, 2011, 07:07:44 PM
It happened in Lukon too, I believe Portion, Wetham, and other realms tried that tactic on Lukon when it was a single city realm and now those two cities are part of Lukon.  This just goes to prove if you know what you are doing, just plain lucky or a combination of the two you can come back from the Brink.  Giblot might still have a chance but unless they start to do something right, it will not be much of one.

Which of Portion, Wetham, Alebad, and Alowca came back? They are all gone.


My point was to underline that Lukon was ganged up upon at one time and managed to come back. 
Beldragos Family:  Baal Zephon (Madina), Morganna - Adv (Madina), Atrox - Adv (Assassins), Galvenor (Retired), Mephista (Lukon), Luci (Sirion)


Quote from: Beldragos on September 14, 2011, 12:37:01 PM
My point was to underline that Lukon was ganged up upon at one time and managed to come back.

When was that? The last time that I can recall was some plot between Giblot, Assassins, and Outer Tilog, and in that instance, giblot betrayed OT and attacked their city. And that was somewhere in 2007-2008.


Quote from: egamma on September 13, 2011, 11:06:23 PM
Which of Portion, Wetham, Alebad, and Alowca came back? They are all gone.

Isn't Alebad back, in the sense it is now a capital city of a realm, formed without the destruction of another?