Author Topic: Test Roleplaying Thread - JOIN IN HERE  (Read 87423 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Test Roleplaying Thread - JOIN IN HERE
« Reply #30: September 19, 2011, 02:56:46 PM »
Kalan was completely drunk. Absolutely, completely, wasted. His new merchant friend had been ridiculously generous with his gold all night and it seemed like his whole entourage was drunk. Surprisingly, the man even managing to win some gold back by fleecing people who dropped into the bar. Kalan didn't care how the merchant had managed it, it simply meant more drink!

"You guys... and lady... are..." The merchant started, before farting and then laughing uncontrollably for a few seconds, "hilarious..."

"And you... " Kalan searched the night's events, it wasn't there... "umm, name... are the most..." he searched for words, but his mind was blank... "good man ever... and I mean it."

A man at the other side of the pub threw up, the merchant erupted in laughter once more. Everyone else joined in, silently hoping for more beer to celebrate the laughter.

"Hey... if.. umm... funny stuff... watch" Kalan slurred. He stood up and went over to one of the barmaids. Muttering a few words, he slapped himself in the face - in non-drunk times it would probably have been a light touch, but the effect was the same. The barmaid screamed.

"DEATH! Get it out! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" and with that, the lady ran out of the bar and into the streets.

The chatter, laughter and general bar noise stopped. For a few seconds everyone was quiet.

"Look... different... friend..." The merchant slurred, looking at the rotting flesh hanging off old bone that used to be Kalan.

Then Kalan changed back, the effects of Looks of Death having worn off.

There was still a silence, until...

"DRINKS FOR MY FRIEND!" The merchant shouted, tumbling off his chair and then farting. "Do it again!"

Laughter, chatter and bodily functions returned to the bar as Kalan cast Looks of Death once more, on his merchant friend this time. It seemed, when drunk at least, these folk didn't mind a good bit of magic.


Looks of DeathLooks of DeathCompleting these actions would result in the following changes:

    * 8.00 concentration expended
    * 1.60 energy expended

EDIT: The parser result didn't mention the 8 exp I gained in Change. Should it have done?