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Sanguis Astroism

Started by dustole, October 09, 2011, 09:56:35 PM

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We will cook something up and let you know  ;)
Ironsides Family, mainly East Continent and Dwilight. I dip my toe into Atamara here and there


Quote from: cenrae on February 27, 2013, 09:30:59 PM
Well I was happy to send Farronite army your way but after creeds letter to swordfell to many complained and Gustav turned the force back. I would have stayed longer but orders had been given...

To be honest I never quite understood how my letter had anything to do with the Farronite army to turn back. I t had nothing to do with religion or about me claiming any lands but it is what it is. NO big deal I already have other actions in motion I am just getting bored as a player listening to all this complaining in Swordfell.

Gustav Kuriga

The fact that an army of a faithful realm was coming to depose a duke of another faithful realm would have been reason enough. If you had not sent that letter, people would have found out after the fact, but you sent it out, so I basically pulled major damage control for my realm. Luckily that worked better than I thought it would....


Quote from: Creed on February 28, 2013, 04:19:04 PM
I t had nothing to do with religion

EVERYTHING has to do with religion.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Indeed it does.

But that doesn't stop some heretics from trying to claim otherwise.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on February 28, 2013, 04:24:19 PM
The fact that an army of a faithful realm was coming to depose a duke of another faithful realm would have been reason enough. If you had not sent that letter, people would have found out after the fact, but you sent it out, so I basically pulled major damage control for my realm. Luckily that worked better than I thought it would....

Oh I see you got pushed around by the church typical  as for why I sent out a letter .  I sent the letter out to give him a chance  guess being a nice guy does not pay off lesson learned.

It was not like your realm was doing it out of the goodness of your heart I was going to pay you a good amount of food or gold for your services but never could get a exact number you leader takes forever to respond to messages.

Gustav Kuriga

Actually, it was the other way around... you never answered our questions...

Either way, bringing an external force to an internal conflict is always a highly politicized move, especially if it brings followers of the same religion into conflict. Had that letter not been sent, our army would have been able to get to Balance's Retreat (though whether the units would have lasted longer than a day or two because of morale issues is another can of worms) before anyone could have found out. The aftermath would of course be the curb-stomping of the Farronite Republic by SA realms, but we would have been able to get to the region.

That didn't happen though. What did happen was you sent the letter, making our coming relatively useless because of forewarning. Gustav acted, playing the part of outraged judge who wasn't informed of these developments, threatening to ban anyone who went into Balance's Retreat. It worked, much better than I expected, actually gaining Gustav some goodwill (I believe, at least that was the general feeling of the letters which were sent to the full member body of the Church). And here we are.


Sooo, how 'bout dat sermon? Riviting stuff amiright?  8)
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Still haven't read it...
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on February 28, 2013, 07:19:19 PM
Still haven't read it...

Roleplay from Mathurin Hossenfeffer   (1 day, 9 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in the region Mimer (14 recipients)
Mathurin allowed the excited hubbub to continue a while, then calmly took up a position at the pulpit and waited.

Voices gradually diminished as he was noticed by more and more of the congregation.

"Lords and ladies of Corsanctum, Faithful, honoured guests," he began when the temple was quiet, "we have witnessed something I consider to be of significance.  All too often Sanguis Astroism is accused of a militaristic imperative to cleanse the world of non-believers.  And yet today, in the Sacred Heart of Sanguis Astroism, we have born witness to the joiningof Lady Khari, priestess and Guardian Stalwart of the Faith, and Prime Minister Rynn of D'Hara, a follower of the path of Verdis Elementum.  The ceremony contained elements, if you'll pardon the pun, of both religions, and I hope it also satisfied both."

He paused for a moment or two.  "I would like to take this opportunity to ask; why do we have religion?  What is the purpose of faith?  What is the place of a church?

"I would suggest that it is threefold, though I acknowledge that it is in my nature to see import in patterns of three." He paused to bow to Baal at this stage. "Firstly, and most importantly it is a unified struggle to pierce the veils of mystery of the world around us, to understand the Truth behind truth, to commune with, in some small, mortal way, and get closer to, Divinity.  Secondly, it is a joint glorification of that same Divinity, a public recognition and exclamation of the connection we have with the Divine.  And thirdly, it is a community of fellows who tread the same path to Divinity, who can support each other, can aid when our faith is troubled, and comfort when our souls are wounded.

"Recently I have had to travel to Aurvandil to try and understand our Faith's relationship with 'Orthodox' Astroism.  Sadly, I'm sure you know well by now, it has been determined to be nothing more than a political tool, designed to validate Allison Kabrinski's heresy and to bring offence to our Church.   There was no seeking of truth, no glorification of anything other than possibly Allison herself, and no community other than through vitriol.

"By contrast I ask you to consider the contribution of Verdis Elementum today, specifically the act of consecration of the pendant Verdis we saw.  Even as an outsider to their religion, and doubtless failing to truly comprehend all it signifies, I could easily see the desire to understand the workings of our world, the veneration of the elements, and the unity the act brought.  We turn our gaze up to the Bloodstars, they turn their senses to the elemental forces at play in the world around them. 

"There is much debate in our Church at the moment as to whether or not other religions should be tolerated, especially within those realms which are dedicated to our Faith.  To those who would suggest that all others be cast out, I ask this question.  Can you be sure that the same Divinity which shines through the Bloodstars, which manifests within each man and woman, which lies at the core of our Faith; can you be sure it does not also inspire the elements, quicken the Wind, hasten the Fire, strengthen the Earth and stir the Water?  Verdis Elementum also reveres the element of Spirit, which surely gives a only a different consideration to the Spark of Divinity we hold to be within us all.  Can you be sure that they are not simply walking along a different path to the same destination?"
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


In other words:

Mathurin just endorsed the position of the more radical conservatives among the elders and spat in the face of Abbigal.

It's all in how you read it, folks. He just almost gave verbatim some of Hireshmont's arguments, yet also validated the argument of extremity (also put forward by Hireshmont).

"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


I went it to everyone in the Farronite Republic.
Kye Family: Khari (Farronite Republic), Kalidor (Tara), Astridicus (Astrum)


Quote from: cenrae on February 28, 2013, 09:13:23 PM
I went it to everyone in the Farronite Republic.
and D'Hara!
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"

Gustav Kuriga

If you sent it to us, I sure didn't see it.


Quote from: Vellos on February 28, 2013, 08:53:49 PM
In other words:

Mathurin just endorsed the position of the more radical conservatives among the elders and spat in the face of Abbigal.

It's all in how you read it, folks. He just almost gave verbatim some of Hireshmont's arguments, yet also validated the argument of extremity (also put forward by Hireshmont).


I will agree its in how you read it.  I do not see that it is spitting in Abbigals face.  It questions how you can be sure that others do not simply walk on a different path.  I too would like  to see it IC.