Author Topic: Yeomen  (Read 6166 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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« Topic Start: December 24, 2011, 09:14:32 PM »
After studying a bit of medieval history I came up with an idea for a new rank for adventurers, the Yeomen.

After becoming a Freemen an adventurer can turn in one recommendation to become a yeomen (afterwards they'd still need three more to become nobles). Being a Yeomen would ad the ability to own land, not great estates like a noble, but something like a small farm or inn. A Yeomen's land would account for 1-3% of a region's production. A lord or knight is free to sell or lease this parcel to a Yeomen for an agreed upon amount of gold. A Yeomen can have as many of these small estates as he or she can afford to buy in as many different regions as there are sellers.

The Yeomen gets two advantages from owning this property. First he/she can sleep there for free, in a rural or wilderness region it counts as a "primitive room". In a city it counts as a "private room". Second he/she profits from the region's production. This represents whatever productivity occurs on said land, be it rooms rented at an inn, goods made in a factory or food harvested. The exact amount might vary and various taxes by the knight, lord or ruler might apply.

Either way this gives the Adventurer more to do and creates new opportunities for in game economics and roleplay.

Also with the new economic system it's common for people to have 1 or 2% estates lieing around that aren't worth resizing estates to deal with.