Author Topic: So TMP is gone. Are you enjoying all the new wars?  (Read 58603 times)


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He already states that they would use some hours at the turn change (so you would get less hours per turn effectively, think of it like the way you have less hours to use after a battle, you also have less hours to use because your men are foraging each turn).

I don't want to lose hours, I want the men to do this in their spare time, not when the army should be marching.

I would like a drop-down box to choose--either use all available hours, or be sure that I get 12 hours next turn.

Example: 25 year old, 5 hours remaining at turn change. Men could either use 1 hour looting, or 5 hours.
Example, 50 year old, 5 hours remaining: men either don't loot at all (because 5+6=11, so less than 12), or spend 5 hours.

We will also need to vary costs depending on the amount of looting done.