Author Topic: Inalienable Rights Violation  (Read 28874 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Inalienable Rights Violation
« Topic Start: January 18, 2012, 08:06:28 PM »
If Malus had simply declared war without a wait, then he would have far less allies than he does now(and have made many enemies). If Malus declared war with a 3 day wait (thus giving the other side time to actually log on and respond), he would have far less allies than he does now. However, by placing a deadline which made it impossible to respond to from an OOC point of view due to players having a real life, he has established a justification for war, which as players we know is completely bogus, but our characters can consider legitimate (because a demand wasn't met, etc...) Thus, Malus has established a war with plenty of support on his side when IC wise this support could never have been found through legitimate IC action.

The shortness of the timeline can be exploited IC. The rulers of other realms are perfectly justified to say "Your ultimatum was unreasonable. It is impossible for letters to be sent back and forth in such a short amount of time; many probably simply slept  through the morning only to find themselves at war when they woke up! I will not condone such behaviour; have your war on your own."

They are also justified not to say it, if they don't want to. The point is, an OOC unreasonable timeline is also IC unreasonable.
After all it's a roleplaying game.