Author Topic: Reworking Trade  (Read 109548 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Reworking Trade
« Reply #285: July 03, 2012, 01:27:15 AM »
Penchant You can think what you will but I know for a fact there is a large amount of food just siting around that is not being sold because 50 gold a for a 100 units of food is not worth it.  Secondly Penchant I never said that people would pay that much I just want a high cap so that we can allow supply and demand to work.

Thirdly 50 gold for 100 units is nothing I have a lord of a rural region  and I can buy with my small income enough food to supply my region for more then 60 days and still have gold to build stuff and recruit and pay for a unit. Gold is extremely easy to get in the game but food is becoming a hard commodity to get and the more time that passes the harder it gets. If you think no one will pay over a 100 gold per a 100 units you are mistaking unlike everything else in game food is a must have. If a realm controls food supply they can charge what ever they want because people have to have it.

Think of it like gas. No one thought people would pay over 3 dollars in the US for it but in the height of the price spike people paid in the high 4s and in some places 5 dollars for it.   The simple answer for this is people paid it because they had to pay it  because they need it.

Same concept behind food in this game TOM wants to make food more important so it makes since that prices should be allowed to go higher to equal the demand and need for the food.