Author Topic: The Zuma  (Read 221696 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: The Zuma
« Reply #465: February 22, 2013, 09:39:14 PM »
Impossible, we're persecuted everywhere we go.

Without starting a flamewar, here's a suggestion:

Stop saying "we go." When you get somewhere, find a character with the same last name as a character that fought against Aurvandil. Latch onto them as an ally. Try not to coordinate with each other. Work to make conflicts with players you've previously supported.

Many long-term players do this. For example, Perth and I are OOC friends from high school and our characters have often supported each other ICly. At the same time, I know Perth was plotting a secession movement against one of my characters, and I've worked at trying to drive some division between Kale and Hireshmont recently.

Different example, my character Onamont joined Caelum: why? Because I knew it had a lot of players I don't traditionally play alongside.

Or consider the alliance between a Telrunya, a Chenier, and a Vellos that created the Terran-D'Hara alliance. Most Aurvandil players weren't around then but, if you were, you'd know how silly such an alliance was. Marche Telrunya was a major Riombaran politician... and Hireshmont I Vellos was a repeated traitor/enemy of Riombara and ardent monarchist. Cheniers are associated with Enweil, another traditional foe of Riombara, yet the Enweil Cheniers and Hireshmont I had rather unfriendly relations as well.

But we made a point of playing with our opponents. And we did so vocally.

The problem with the "Aurvandil players" is not that they sometimes play in the same realm. It's that there have been repeated instances where they appear to be playing in a coordinated fashion always with the same players– and are typified by silence to the rest of the realm.

I am not trying to start a flamewar, I am honestly trying to respond to the concern you are expressing in as positive a way as I can.

Basically: start building the fame of your last name instead of your first name and realm name. I was going to make a comment about this, but then realized I don't know the last name of any characters in Aurvandil, because I've almost never encountered any of them anywhere else IG. I'd love to play alongside some fun, charismatic RPers elsewhere: I just never see ya'll. And the rare instances I do, it's a big blob that's still all playing for the same team (or at least it looks that way, and no evident effort to do otherwise seems apparent).

I do apologize if this seems harsh or anything– that is really not my intent.

Of course, I don't anticipate Aurvandil being destroyed aaaaaanytime soon. We're probably getting a wee bit ahead of ourselves there. :P I'd just like to see Barca survive the month.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner