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Massive Barcan Tax

Started by Carna, February 02, 2012, 06:55:05 AM

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So taxes in Barca seemed a little crazy this morning. Rettleville Duchy's tax was more than double what it was eight days ago, with the difference more noticeable in Twainville, though somewhat improved situation there may mean it was a little over double too. Does anyone know what the story is and, if so, do I just play on or wait?




It might help all of us to comment on this if you were able to provide some details. That said, everyone's income jumped up about a week ago when Tom rebalanced the regions. The New Estate System dropped incomes due to lost efficiency and caused people to abandon rural estates for city and townsland regions. The rebalancing seems to have compensated for the loss of efficiency and then some. Just look at the realm income statistics. Most realms experienced a significant jump last week.


Details I can indeed provide. Rettleville city last week got 1,179 gold while this week the base amount was 2,896. I knew there was an effect, but (and I could be wrong) I think this might go a wee bit beyond that. Quite happy if I am wrong and we can expect these improved incomes from now on, but it looks suspect to me.




Well, that is a pretty notable difference... Something odd going on there I'd guess. Maybe has something to do with the new market system?


Well, hopefully we'll find out. It could be exactly what you first thought, or it could be something entirely unintended. I'd be happier of it was the rebalancing, but I did and do wonder.
