Author Topic: Favorite realm?  (Read 18366 times)


  • Peasant
  • Posts: 7
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Re: Favorite realm?
« Reply #15: December 06, 2011, 07:57:48 PM »
I've played in Assassins and Giblot extensively, and spent some time about Alowca/Alebad, Lukon, and OT.
Each nation is.. or in the case of the religious states, was.. remarkable. Alowca/Alebad had remarkable defensive military focus, and political atmosphere. Lukon has the whole rampant barbarian thing, and from what I saw in my short time with them this wildness and focus on strength extends into their politics. OT is.. well, it's OT. You love them, or you love to hate them. Always a catalyzing force. The Guild goes through tons of fluctuations- honestly, it's the one place in all the servers where you'll reliably find yourself in a position of power without any real effort. The Guild is remarkable in being a meritocracy, while still having strict control from the Tyrant (though that has seemed to lax over time). Giblot.. well, as I just mentioned in another thread, she's the font of idealism and freedoms.

Never did spent much time with Oritilon or Minas Thalion, so you all'll have to toss out the impressions there.

Nevertheless, is it any wonder I love the Colonies most?