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Favorite realm?

Started by Noble family, March 15, 2011, 04:35:16 AM

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Quote from: Dhalgren on June 03, 2012, 11:13:39 AM
Which is the most vibrant at the moment and why?
Any suggestions?

Quote from: James on June 03, 2012, 01:44:56 PM
The Colonies may well be about to enter a new age, with the long term wars ended, there will probably be some quiet for a while before all the dynamics change. I think any realm would be worth joining now as I'm quite excited about the future of the Colonies and really have no idea what to expect, so being a part of any of these realms as they build to whatever happens next will make you an important part of the history here...

I tend to agree with this. We're definitely on the cusp of a new era and all realms have the opportunity to do some interesting things in the future, once everyone's settled down, reclaimed as much of the rogue lands as possible and prayed to their various gods in hope that they don't regret whatever decision they embark upon!

Of course, the only problem is that the potential to do interesting things might not necessarily become reality, but I'm hopeful. I think the present situation will probably force the break up of the longest standing alliances either way and that will be a boon to future enjoyment for everybody. You'd perhaps be well served joining any realm.

Quote from: Psyche on June 03, 2012, 03:59:04 PM
Oritolon is EASILY stirred up.  It is very easy to bring this realm to the brink of civil war.  You've got all kinds of cliques that most don't even know about, including the old timers.  You can have a good time here with some initiative.

Hehehe, the best part is that you haven't been to Oritolon in an age and everything that you've said is STILL correct! Yeah, if you're mischievous and have an eye for politics you can have fun in Oritolon. As previously mentioned, roleplay isn't really existent there though. There are certainly a few nobles there capable of doing good RP and have in the past been more active with it, but we all found the last war very taxing due to the old estate system and collapsing to 14 nobles at one point (not good when you have two duchies and 8/9 regions). We all just gave a collective shrug as disaster heaped upon disaster I think. I'm simply happy to see a bit of discussion again now we have a reasonable number of nobles once more.


All of this sounds exciting.

How is Assassins at the moment?

And.. How is OT different? I worry it might not be "serious" enough, too many jokes and not much going on. But this is just from what read on the forums
Ven - RIP
Orb - Beluaterra


OT is not serious at all and there isn't much going on at the moment.


Quote from: Dhalgren on June 04, 2012, 10:39:09 AM
And.. How is OT different? I worry it might not be "serious" enough, too many jokes and not much going on. But this is just from what read on the forums

OT is vehemently not serious.  It's about as not serious as one can get:  Most of the characters are delusional and/or criminally insane.  We have characters who believe they're skeletons, zombies, vampires, wolf-man - all the classic horror movie stereotypes.  None of them, of course, can be anything but normal human according to BM rules, but that doesn't prevent them from living under their delusions.

It's great fun, but don't come to OT if you're expecting serious roleplay.


Regarding the Assassins, the last ruler, Aramon, died in a death duel with a fellow Assassin, Nightling, who is now the General of their realm. Prior to that, I recall being given details of Nightling's movements when it looked like she would cause trouble down south and having one of our own infiltrators hired to do a hit on her after she'd harmed one of our nobles.

I know next to nothing about what goes on in Assassins internally, but my fleeting impression is that it can be a harsh, cut-throat world!

Quote from: Zane on June 04, 2012, 06:44:02 PM
It's about as not serious as one can get:

Highlights include Customer Service and Outer Tilog for Kids. Think I first saw these on the tiki and they still make me chuckle now!


Come Oritolon and enjoy the internal politic where you can rise up fast through the ranks. Soon there will be many lordship elections and duke as well, if you happen to be lucky 8)
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Quote from: Zane on June 04, 2012, 06:44:02 PM
OT is vehemently not serious.  It's about as not serious as one can get:  Most of the characters are delusional and/or criminally insane.  We have characters who believe they're skeletons, zombies, vampires, wolf-man - all the classic horror movie stereotypes.  None of them, of course, can be anything but normal human according to BM rules, but that doesn't prevent them from living under their delusions.

It's great fun, but don't come to OT if you're expecting serious roleplay.

I believe they are the only realm with their own domain name:

It just points at the wiki, but still, there's serious love for OT.