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Daimons Death (Beluaterra)

Started by Sypher, February 17, 2012, 07:31:46 AM

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The death of 1st Son

Captured by Lord Antonio, Yorick's torturer descends into the dungeon. Yorick himself would observe the events.

An older man enters the cell. His shield arm is a mess, hanging limp on his side. Perhaps in his younger days he looked heroic, but no longer. His eyes are full of hate towards the Daimon. "Welcome to my prison Daimon. I look forward to seeing what you are made of as soon as preparations are complete."

The Daimon replies "If you had the slightest idea what I am made of, you would never have come this close to me." and he begins a magical incantation...

The older man boots the Daimon in the chest while the guards that waited just outside the room  flood in with rods to beat the Daimon for as long as he keeps trying to cast the spell. The older man draws a blade with the arm that looked crippled and says "The arrogance of your kind is your weakness. Did you think we didn't know you could do magic or that he would endanger himself by coming face to face with you himself? Kill me and you just hasten your own death. But, perhaps you would like to hear a story?"

The Daimon responds "You are beating on a physical body. My equivalent of you wearing a coat. Why do you think this would prevent anything?" and attempts to break loose and escape, but is unable to as the guards bind him and restraint him.

The torturer begins his work by telling the Daimon what is about to occur. "This is the story of how you die. It is funny that you mention wearing us as a coat. For that is part of your torture. We will see what a Daimon is made of and if you can feel pain. First, I will break each of your bones in your limbs, then while you still live I will take knives and skin you. Metal rods have been prepared, which I will drive through your body and then I will give you over to the executioner who will lope off your head and toss your body into a furnace specially prepared for you."

And as described by the torturer, the Daimon 1st Son was killed.


The Death of 5th Son
The Daimon 5th Son is brought out to the execution yard in chains. A large tank of water sits in the center of the area. A rig has been assembled to lower the Daimon into the water. Within the tank swim a swarm of corpse eels. The normally docile scavengers are aggressive from lack of food.

The Daimon is lowered into the water until only his head still breaks the surface. At first nothing happens, then he begins to scream as the eels eat their way through his skin and begin consuming his body from the inside out eating the internal organs first.

Eventually the Daimon dies as the eels continue to feed. When the body is finally pulled from the tank only bones remain.