Author Topic: Statistics  (Read 8882 times)


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Re: Statistics
« Reply #15: March 05, 2012, 06:17:31 PM »
Tom, the "average" values quoted for prices.... those are average prices/100 bushels with each offer counted as one, equally weighted case, right?

Of course not. The SQL statement generating this value is:
Code: [Select]
select count(*) as Offers, SUM(Amount) as AmountTotal, AVG(Amount) as AmountAvg, SUM(Gold) as GoldTotal, AVG(100*Gold/Amount) as GoldAvg from MarketOffers

Also, regarding trade data.... is there a way the game could (maybe on an even bigger timelag) show the amount of food actually bought or sold, and what price those transactions actually occurred at? The problem with tracking offers is that the least profitable offers (or "emergency release valve" offers) will tend to linger on the market for a long time, while profitable offers will vanish, meaning that the data presented will systematically underestimate the profitability of trade.

That's an excellent point. Yes, I'm for it, but it requires quite a bit of additional new code and a new database table, so please write a full feature request on the bugtracker where it won't get lost.