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New Estate System: Reality vs On the Wiki

Started by Bael, March 15, 2012, 08:47:19 PM

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An estate is always a part of a region. The lord of the region can, but doesn't have to have an estate. If he has, it must be in his region (can't be lord of region A and have an estate in region B).

As per wiki, the above have been put forward. However, I have witnessed Lords having estates in other regions. I can give the details if necessary, but I first want to find out: is this still being worked on to correct it, or is it the wiki that is wrong (ie it is intended)? I know that the current estate system still has quite a few bugs...

Lords are appointed by dukes and dukes are appointed by kings. The realm government system defines whether or not they can also be kicked out or not. (initially, they can not in any system, but we will be adding that for some systems later on.)

Has there been any change yet on this front? Can the Dukes still not be kicked out? Many thanks for any responses!


Quote from: Bael on March 15, 2012, 08:47:19 PM

An estate is always a part of a region. The lord of the region can, but doesn't have to have an estate. If he has, it must be in his region (can't be lord of region A and have an estate in region B).

As per wiki, the above have been put forward. However, I have witnessed Lords having estates in other regions. I can give the details if necessary, but I first want to find out: is this still being worked on to correct it, or is it the wiki that is wrong (ie it is intended)? I know that the current estate system still has quite a few bugs...

This is a known bug, and as far as I know, it is caused entirely by the election system being out of sync with the new estate system.

Lords are appointed by dukes and dukes are appointed by kings. The realm government system defines whether or not they can also be kicked out or not. (initially, they can not in any system, but we will be adding that for some systems later on.)

Has there been any change yet on this front? Can the Dukes still not be kicked out? Many thanks for any responses!

I don't believe any change has been made here yet.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Wow, that was fast  :o Thanks  ;)

Incidentally, I just added a bug report about the region senator of Twainwood being unable to hold court due to it "being already held", when it hasn't (and no one else has been doing it either). Has this been spotted in other regions at all? As duke, I also could not recruit militia from Twainwood due to a "Special event being held today".


afaik, you are not recruiting militia due to being duke. you can recruit militia due to you being a lord

the special event thing is most likely down to something being done in the region. not exactly sure what it is (probably court, building, etc), but personally.. i think it's not really needed. perhaps the events should apply in the turn after, rather than the same turn, to avoid the early turn/late turn stuff.


I can't even appoint my own dukes, the game does. At least, it did the last few times a city went up for grabs in D'Hara. I wanted to delete the duchy of Sallowtown, or at least refuse to appoint a duke. The duchy had been created by the game after the new system, and every time a lord got elected for the city he automatically became the duke of the duchy.

The first part might be fixed now, as Fheuvenem was annexed under the duchy of Iato, but the last election for the city of Sallowtown wasn't all that long ago.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


This is a known issue and has been for a long time. Tim is working on the election system right now to fix it.


Quote from: fodder on March 17, 2012, 09:35:22 AM
afaik, you are not recruiting militia due to being duke. you can recruit militia due to you being a lord

the special event thing is most likely down to something being done in the region. not exactly sure what it is (probably court, building, etc), but personally.. i think it's not really needed. perhaps the events should apply in the turn after, rather than the same turn, to avoid the early turn/late turn stuff.

Out of interest, this was finally resolved. The bug which allows the Lord/Lady to hold an  estate in a different region to their own, bugs out the holding of court (if they do take advantage of it). I presume it also bugs out the recruiting, as I am now able to recruit men from the region now that the Lord has an estate there.


The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.