Author Topic: Recent Change to Generals  (Read 38176 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Recent Change to Generals
« Reply #120: March 23, 2012, 06:52:46 PM »
Server time is displayed prominently on several pages, and has been for years now.

And yes, it includes the day.

Just because it's Tuesday in one place and Wednesday in another doesn't mean that talking about the Wednesday sunrise turn as the Tuesday sunrise turn in the areas where it actually occurs on Tuesday would make any sense at all. If you tried to talk about it like that, you'd frequently end up talking about the Tuesday sunrise turn, and the turn after it, the Wednesday sunset turn—and then the Wednesday sunrise turn.

Which is obviously silly, and I doubt there are many people who would actually try to operate under those conditions.

I'm talking about specific, in-game, non-real world days. Not Thursday or Friday, but Jackday or Terfday or whatever the hell. It doesn't matter how prominently server time is displayed (and it's not very at all), if you say Tuesday server time, people will screw it up and think you're talking about their Tuesday, not server's Tuesday. Having a common day/term to reference would make a big difference, and make those conditional Standing Orders much easier.