Author Topic: Barca-Aurvandil  (Read 12296 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Barca-Aurvandil
« Reply #15: May 09, 2012, 01:38:04 PM »
You don't think that the players in that group don't delete and recreate accounts on a regular basis? Evidence suggests they do, actually, and it's been a hallmark of how they operate for years, since at least the time when they were blatantly exploiting family gold mechanics. They used to create new families, drain them of gold, then delete them and rinse and repeat. You are either sadly oblivious to how they operate or you are dissembling, but either way you should recognize that many of the families in Aurvandil have legitimately earned the distrust of the community, from the Developers on down to those players who have had in-game dealings with them.

The players who "earned the distrust of the community" were deported from Aurvandil, or at least those of relevant importance.

Also, creating families and draining them of wealth, then deleting them is not only massively impractical and inefficient, but under the game mechanics at current it's pretty much impossible and has been for over a year. So whether or not that was how they used to operate, which I doubt since they didn't have lots of new accounts being created and then deleted (I was in Libero Empire, so I actually interacted with them on a regular basis, unlike most who cast accusations), they aren't operating as such now and that makes your point incorrect and irrelevant, unless you mean solely on a past tense basis, then it is irrelevant and arguable.

I wonder if by your wealth of evidence, you merely mean a hunch you've convinced yourself of through circumstantial evidence.