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Religion is missing something?

Started by Aldwoni, March 21, 2011, 12:00:40 PM

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Quote from: Indirik on May 25, 2011, 07:11:23 PM
If you are in the same region as the diplomat, and possibly adjacent regions, you should get a report that someone has influenced the locals. Not sure about the adjacent regions, though.

Are you certain that works? I have never seen it, and I asked around when I used the option and no one ever told me having seen it. I have used it in regions where people *should* have noticed....

If actions were public, this would remove a big difference between priests and ambassadors.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


don't remember seeing that when my priest/diplo and hero are in same region. only thing shown is preaching.

Stue (DC)

Quote from: Indirik on May 24, 2011, 02:57:58 PM
I agree with the general idea of this. I wouldn't say that everyone wants to "dominate", because I don't think that "dominate" is always quite the right word. But yes, religions want to convert everyone to believe the way they do.

I disagree. And I think the people that play the Church of Ibladesh would probably disagree. And the Flow of the Balance. (And the people fighting them, too!) And, of course, Sanguis Astroism.

Well, I would remind  that you did not find good examples of the subject, as both Astroism and CoI based their power on theocratic states. What I am talking about are competing powers, not jointed powers, that create even more monopoly and less competition, that is religions that will be able to compete other powers and be somewhat independent. Flow could be good example if I did not learn that two rich dukes have their own brothers (what a coincidence among the most important elders, which again lead to few-size-all power instead of competing powers. Again, that is not so much because of power-hungry players, but because of mechanics, where insufficiently powerful positions can only function if bolstered with additional titles, which simply works against idea of team-play, by design.

If religions had the power to have a net positive income, then they would become another tool of the state. They would be just another revenue stream for the realm-based war machine. The need to have powerful patrons is definitely intentional.

On contrary, to the maximum extent! If religions had net positive income, they could influence realms, play their own little games, being not dependent on realms, and to some extent being not dependent on landed lords. Of course, landed lords can limit their influence in many ways, but the sole fact that religions do not need to beg for money, but have some of their own income would provide much more depth to plots, calculations, power plays etc. All of that is non-existent for beggars.

If you want to have big temples, support lots of followers, and have the big power that comes with it, then you have to have the gold to support it. And you're not going to get that gold by asking farmers and blacksmiths to hand over 10% of their meager incomes. You get the rich, powerful nobles to hand over 10% of *their* incomes.

Power, and the organization and labor that comes with it and that it requires, costs money.

If we had competing powers, lot of preaching and bringing lot of followers should bring some funds, I am not advocating funds comparable to region income at all, I am just talking about some funds. While dukes can sit in their region forever, doing very little over basic food arrangement, priests need to endlessly wander around preaching and taking care of follower levels, so why that would not be rewarded with some funds. Mere rank which competes very hard work, competing ways to earn funds.

So the mongols, huns, etc., never got a single coin in pay, at all? Never had someone give them a sword/bow and some armor or clothes? Not even through looting the conquered lands?

Mongols and huns depended on spiritual arrangement much more than on funds, and if game could be designed in way that armies could be self-sustainable by mere looting, that would be indeed fun, but I cannot imagine how complex it would be to find balance. Again, i was trying to talk about having possibility to reach the same goals with different ways instead of being hanged on gold transfers only. the game world is so deep, and I believe tweaks without any revolutionary changes could reach that, not in the case of looting but in come other mentioned examples.

I thought you wanted diversity, and multiple paths to the same ends? Now when you have it, you say that having one makes the other invalid.

I am trying to advocate diversity all the time, and if you see some discrepancy, please be exact.

However, these two abilities are a bit different. Priests pay a cost in followers, diplomats in gold. Priests also have a wider range of options, while diplomats only affect sympathy.

Priests lose lot of followers, and net loss is big compared to what they achieve, while diplomats, again, lose gold only.
I have one priest char that possibly reached all skill available to noble human being, experimented much, but all kind of influences were mostly disappointing. priest can risk his life to cause unrest in region that is on occupied control already, but will not cause revolt, being less influential than simple looting. it is also disappointing that months of influencing rogue regions will rarely raise morale, for instance, as it probably reverts back every day.

If people aren't interested in what is intended to be an RP heavy mode of play, then we can't force them to be interested. All you'll get is a mouthing of the required phrases to meet the minimum requirements, while they move on and do whatever they wanted to do in the first place. (Interestingly enough, this is what you can claim many people do with real world religions, too. So maybe this would make us more realistic.)

As I mentioned, people would be more interested if all that talk would have at least some influence on mundane world, otherwise it really resembles some self-sufficient religious fanaticism

RTO and auto da fe are the two most visible, and powerful, of a priests abilities. They are not the only two. The ability to calm population, cause unrest, and influence the commoner's thoughts are also powerful as well, when properly used. All of these can be used to gain influence with the realm, and with the other faithful.

With religion dependent on outside funding, priests are reduced to some second-grade courtiers, and in many realms they are openly treated that way. Again with religion who beg even RTO is reduced to some attachment to army actions, instead of being tool of elders power-play, which could complicate situation to many.

That is simply ridiculous. A duke that participates in his religion, and has his region converted to his own faith, or a significant part of it, will not suffer any problems from religion. (And, actually, so long as the peasants do not follow some *other* organized religion, he won't have any problems then, either.) Nor is this a "profane tool". Didn't you say at the start that everyone who is in a religion wants to convert everyone to his own faith? How is this profane? You *can* use it for profane purposes. But that doesn't mean you *will* use it that way.

I will try to rephrase in  simple way - dukes use faith either as their decorative element or they ignore it. they are not even slightly pushed to take care of it even if they don't like it, at least on level they are pushed to take care of trade (where balance is not so good as well, rural lords are mostly poor beggars, while holding the most important non-city regions)

Stop making baseless, unsubstantiated claims. A quick survey of BT shows that 2/3rds of the dukes of cities follow an established, in-game religion.

ok, that could be one of such, so do not use plural  ::) i damit to not have relevant statistics, but my chars are really running around many realms, and all I see is their observation.
to be punctual in 4 realms where i am in, there are only few dukes who follow any religion.

So just because a peasant doesn't follow an "officially established" faith, they are a lazy, unruly, unproductive mob that hates the establishment? I could perhaps see the numbers of pagans being added to the number of peasants that "are upset that their lord doesn't agree with their faith". Unless the lord himself is a "pagan". But to just have "pagan" peasants be unruly mobs makes no sense.

yes, they should have reduced food/gold productivity, say 80% of those who follow any faith, as religion was only real incentive for them, their pay was sufficient for bare living, they could never earn something  or create financial reserves, spend their whole life in such a manner, (interestingly some in south america still live that way), i think it could be historically justified

Perhaps you'd like to elaborate on this? What type of balancing powers would you like to see?

I am trying to talk about that all the time, but this is moment to summarize:

- religions, financially independent, self sustainable power , with enough hard work in preaching and taking care of things (not frequent logging, of course, but long dedication to preaching etc.)
- council members, whose mere rank has enough power to oppose landed lord rather than being completely dependent on them

it would be ideal that both mentioned have ability to be powerful enough to not care for landed positions for themselves. that way much more nobles would be in positions on power, and they would naturally compete to each other, as all of them would have limitation to their powers. compare to current situation where almost everything is relied upon landed lord sponsorship.
the only exception are property taxes, but they are very limited currently and can easily be avoided.
i believe one single change, non-revolutionary tweak (which is even accepted by tom if i remember well) - realm council that can directly tax cities would make major difference.

together with influential religions  that are not directly dependent on landed lords to the extent they are currently, that would create many natural tensions that we would not need "too much peace" code at all in my opnion as nonone would be able to control everythign as there would be too much competing powers for that.


Quote from: Indirik on May 25, 2011, 07:11:23 PM
If you are in the same region as the diplomat, and possibly adjacent regions, you should get a report that someone has influenced the locals. Not sure about the adjacent regions, though.

I have never seen any such report, or heard of anyone seeing one. The diplomat's tools, as far as I know, is 100% discreet.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Jens Namtrah

I've been thinking about this topic a lot, because I agree that religion seems to be a bit "flat".  the post I agree most with from this thread is Indirik's from the first page, especially:

QuoteForget that separation of church and state stuff. I want more religions involved in more stuff. I want official state religions. I want realms to use their militarily power to export their faith to other realms. I want religions to be telling realms what to do.

I think religions, in the eyes of clergy, exist for two reasons:

1) to spread a set of beliefs
2) to gain power, wealth and influence

The first is purely RP for us. None of us actually believe in the religions, so few of us do much to RP that we have a terror of everlasting Hellfire if we stray from the True Faith. This bit is here just for the RP fun.

The second is where I think we can expand the game a bit. I picture a founder of a major religion to be on par with a Duke, but game mechanics give them almost nothing. I'd like to see a few things added that would make religion an alternative way for characters to climb the power ladder.

Some random ideas, not all of which are good or practical, and are more for brainstorming purposes:

1) church receives taxes from regions, based on what % of believers they have

2) church receives additional taxes from temples, based on level

or, perhaps a temple or shrine allows you to collect taxes?

3) new rulers (maybe only Kings?) must be "crowned" before they take office (could lead to an elder refusing, and the new ruler shopping around until he finds a religion that will rubberstamp him)

4) ruler's religion automatically becomes State religion, with good/bad effects

5) elders of state religion may receive additional votes, like a Duke or Lord would

6) founders/elders may sponsor armies

7) a "founders" channel, like ruler, banker, general's equivalent

There's a few ideas to discuss. I'm sure there are plenty more better ones out there.


Quote from: vonGenf on May 25, 2011, 09:01:39 PMAre you certain that works? I have never seen it, and I asked around when I used the option and no one ever told me having seen it. I have used it in regions where people *should* have noticed....

If actions were public, this would remove a big difference between priests and ambassadors.

If it is not noticed, then it should be. Spending enough time and money to influence the views of a significant enough portion of the regional population to actually make a significant difference should be noticed by other people. Not being noticed definitely sounds like a bug to me.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Stue (DC)
Well, I would remind  that you did not find good examples of the subject, as both Astroism and CoI based their power on theocratic states. What I am talking about are competing powers, not jointed powers, that create even more monopoly and less competition, that is religions that will be able to compete other powers and be somewhat independent. Flow could be good example if I did not learn that two rich dukes have their own brothers (what a coincidence among the most important elders, which again lead to few-size-all power instead of competing powers. Again, that is not so much because of power-hungry players, but because of mechanics, where insufficiently powerful positions can only function if bolstered with additional titles, which simply works against idea of team-play, by design.
Family affiliation is an important part of the game. Quite a few people use family affiliation as an integral part of their RP. There is nothing wrong with using your family's influence and power to further the political/power goals of other family members. This is, after all, a medieval RP. Family is everything, right? And you can feel free to use that against them, as well.

QuoteOn contrary, to the maximum extent! If religions had net positive income, they could influence realms, play their own little games, being not dependent on realms, and to some extent being not dependent on landed lords.
So you feel that religions being able to generate significant streams of revenue will make them independent of realm influence? Actually, I'd go the exact opposite path. If this was the case, then you would see realms all over the place start to institute their own pet religions, even more so than now. And these religions would support their realm, and even provide military forces for the realm.  Religions that did not do this would not be allowed, and would be replaced with ones that did. Very few realms, if any, would allow a competing power structure to coexist with their realm-based structure. They would be integrated and controlled by the same group. That is exactly why religions do not generate significant sources of their own income. Of course, you can do it yourself by taxing your noble members via monthly fees.

QuoteOf course, landed lords can limit their influence in many ways, but the sole fact that religions do not need to beg for money, but have some of their own income would provide much more depth to plots, calculations, power plays etc. All of that is non-existent for beggars.
Religions are not dependent on realms for funding. They are dependent on nobles for funding. There is a significant, and extremely important, difference. You don't have to get the official support of the realm of Keplerstan. All you need is the support of one of their lords. The richer the lord, the better. And it is imperative on the religion to give the nobles a reason to contribute. There are many religions that don't have a funding problem. They offer the nobility something that they feel is worth the contribution. It could be that the religion supports them against their enemies. Or it supports their RP. Or it provides fun for the players. Whatever it is they provide, it works for them. If you can't convince your noble members to contribute to the success of your religion, then your religion is not providing them with something that they want. And I seriously doubt that this has anything at all to do with game mechanics.

And if, for some reason, you think that no realm would allow a new religion to move in anyway, I can guarantee you that you are mistaken. There are many realms that would be willing to allow you to move in and set up shop. On EC alone I can think of at least three, maybe four realms that would let you move in, so long as you didn't cause trouble, or preach a faith that had blatant doctrinal contradictions to the ones already followed. Sanctus Acies and Church of Humanity have always coexisted, and in the past been quit peaceful with Triunism. On BT, Riombara has always had a very lenient policy on new religions. PeL on Dwilight used to be, too. I hear, OOC, that Carelia was shopping around for a new religion to help invigorate some of their RP, too.

QuoteIf we had competing powers, lot of preaching and bringing lot of followers should bring some funds, I am not advocating funds comparable to region income at all, I am just talking about some funds. While dukes can sit in their region forever, doing very little over basic food arrangement, priests need to endlessly wander around preaching and taking care of follower levels, so why that would not be rewarded with some funds. Mere rank which competes very hard work, competing ways to earn funds.
More followers = more funds. Match your temple to your following, and don't overdo it on shrines, you should get very close to your expenses.

QuoteMongols and huns depended on spiritual arrangement much more than on funds, and if game could be designed in way that armies could be self-sustainable by mere looting, that would be indeed fun, but I cannot imagine how complex it would be to find balance. Again, i was trying to talk about having possibility to reach the same goals with different ways instead of being hanged on gold transfers only. the game world is so deep, and I believe tweaks without any revolutionary changes could reach that, not in the case of looting but in come other mentioned examples.

I am trying to advocate diversity all the time, and if you see some discrepancy, please be exact.
You want more ways to achieve the same ends. That's fine, I'm good with that. But when the diplomat ability to influence regions is implemented, you complain that it duplicates the priest ability, making priests useless.

QuotePriests lose lot of followers, and net loss is big compared to what they achieve, while diplomats, again, lose gold only.
It is quite possible that the two competing methods need some balance and adjustment. Perhaps someone could do some testing of this, and post the results? I honestly don't know the extent of the two effects.

QuoteWith religion dependent on outside funding, priests are reduced to some second-grade courtiers, and in many realms they are openly treated that way. Again with religion who beg even RTO is reduced to some attachment to army actions, instead of being tool of elders power-play, which could complicate situation to many.
Then refuse to be treated that way. Stick up for yourself. Refuse to profane your religious faith for the benefit of secular authorities. Or ask for a generous contribution to your faith to compensate for your troubles. Of course once you perform the RTO, the region now belongs to you. And guess what? You now have the financial support of a lordship for your religion. Isn't this what you wanted in the first place?

QuoteI will try to rephrase in  simple way - dukes use faith either as their decorative element or they ignore it. they are not even slightly pushed to take care of it even if they don't like it, at least on level they are pushed to take care of trade (where balance is not so good as well, rural lords are mostly poor beggars, while holding the most important non-city regions)
Trade and food issues are being addressed, albeit slowly, to allow the better balance of gold/food between cities/rurals. And hopefully the new systems will allow the majority of that system to be automated. We want that kind of stuff to be as automatic as possible, if those involved want it to be.

But aside from that, why should they be required to do things on a regular basis to "take care of" their city's religions faith? What should they be required to do, other than to restock the treasuries every now and then? Dukes are not priests, so the "maintenance" of the religious faith of the city is not their responsibility. (Assuming the duke is not also a priest.)

Quoteyes, they should have reduced food/gold productivity, say 80% of those who follow any faith, as religion was only real incentive for them, their pay was sufficient for bare living, they could never earn something  or create financial reserves, spend their whole life in such a manner, (interestingly some in south america still live that way), i think it could be historically justified
I completely disagree.

QuoteI am trying to talk about that all the time, but this is moment to summarize:

- religions, financially independent, self sustainable power , with enough hard work in preaching and taking care of things (not frequent logging, of course, but long dedication to preaching etc.)
This is intentionally not the case, by design.

Quote- council members, whose mere rank has enough power to oppose landed lord rather than being completely dependent on them
I'm not sure what you mean here, especially as relates to religion. Are you saying that there should be a religious council-level office?

Quoteit would be ideal that both mentioned have ability to be powerful enough to not care for landed positions for themselves. that way much more nobles would be in positions on power, and they would naturally compete to each other, as all of them would have limitation to their powers. compare to current situation where almost everything is relied upon landed lord sponsorship.
the only exception are property taxes, but they are very limited currently and can easily be avoided.
i believe one single change, non-revolutionary tweak (which is even accepted by tom if i remember well) - realm council that can directly tax cities would make major difference.
While I agree that the realms *should* be able to forcibly tax cities directly, without having to rely on the completely avoidable current duchy tax system,  I don't see what this has to do with empowering religions.

Quotetogether with influential religions  that are not directly dependent on landed lords to the extent they are currently, that would create many natural tensions that we would not need "too much peace" code at all in my opnion as nonone would be able to control everythign as there would be too much competing powers for that.
"Competing power" does not directly mean "endless warfare". It sees to me that the system you are proposing would mostly result in political infighting and not direct, large-scale, realm-based conflict that is at the core of BattleMaster.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Jens Namtrah on May 26, 2011, 12:32:43 PMI think religions, in the eyes of clergy, exist for two reasons:

1) to spread a set of beliefs
2) to gain power, wealth and influence
I agree. IC/RP-wise, these are the two I'd go with.

QuoteThe first is purely RP for us. None of us actually believe in the religions, so few of us do much to RP that we have a terror of everlasting Hellfire if we stray from the True Faith. This bit is here just for the RP fun.
True. It does make for some good RP, especially if you're the Church of Ibladesh fighting against those heathen Perdanese, and calling down the wrath of Ramsus upon the unbelievers! And then the heathen Perdanese taunt the Ibladeshians about how their gods have abandoned them, and allowed them to lose, because their faith is false and weak. :)

QuoteThe second is where I think we can expand the game a bit. I picture a founder of a major religion to be on par with a Duke, but game mechanics give them almost nothing. I'd like to see a few things added that would make religion an alternative way for characters to climb the power ladder.
Yes, game mechanics give religious founders very little. It is up to the players to make that happen, and invest power into their religious leaders. The same thing actually happens with realm rulers, too. Realm rulers really have very little game-mechanics powers. They can talk to people, but so can religion founders. They can exile people, but religious founders can kick people out of their religions. They can set realm diplomacy, but religious founders can set official religious views. In fact, pretty much all the authority of the ruler comes from the other players voluntarily subjugating their characters to the realm ruler's power. In the same vein, true religious power would have to come from players voluntarily subjugating their characters to religious authority.

QuoteSome random ideas, not all of which are good or practical, and are more for brainstorming purposes:

1) church receives taxes from regions, based on what % of believers they have

2) church receives additional taxes from temples, based on level

or, perhaps a temple or shrine allows you to collect taxes?

How about if the amount collected reduced the realm's tax collection by that same amount? After all, there's only so much money to go around. The peasants won't stand for endless layers of additional taxation without complaint.

But, as I've said before, this would only provide greater incentive for the realm to subjugate the religion. Any religion who attempted to fight the realm's power structure would be replaced with one that supported the realm. Unless the players are willing to allow the erosion of their character's authority/power, it won't happen.

Quote3) new rulers (maybe only Kings?) must be "crowned" before they take office (could lead to an elder refusing, and the new ruler shopping around until he finds a religion that will rubberstamp him)
I really can't think of any way that would really work.

Quote4) ruler's religion automatically becomes State religion, with good/bad effects
Interesting idea. Perhaps depending on the government type? Monarchy/tyranny/theocracy yes, republic/democracy no. Although I am a firm believer in that in a theocracy, only a member of the official state religion should be able to run for council positions in the first place.

Quote5) elders of state religion may receive additional votes, like a Duke or Lord would
Additional secular authority for religious elders in a realm that has it as their official state religion is an interesting idea. Rather than see religious figures get more votes, though, I'd like to see an option where specific realm positions could be designated as appointed by the church. i.e. the church picks the judge, or the church appoints dukes.

Quote6) founders/elders may sponsor armies
An interesting idea, and one that is often proposed. I understand, though, that this would be a coding nightmare to implement if it allowed the assignment of nobles from multiple realms.

Quote7) a "founders" channel, like ruler, banker, general's equivalent
That has been proposed and rejected. Religious founders are not rulers or council level political offices. They don't get their own channel. The restriction of island-wide communications to realm-based authority positions is intentional.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

Jens Namtrah

I'll leave out the references or this will be too long

QuoteYes, game mechanics give religious founders very little. It is up to the players to make that happen, and invest power into their religious leaders.

yes, but the whole point of this thread is how that really isn't working most of the time, and religion needs some help to spruce it up a bit. Obviously Rulers have something founders don't, cause look at all the Realms we have.

One difference is obviously, you are (nearly) required to be in a realm, and face the consequences good and bad of that. You don't have to join  a religion, and no one will be the wiser.

1) (taxes) - yes, I had envisioned taxes coming from the same pot. so the lord isn't happy about it, but what can he do? piss off a powerful church, with its consequences?

3) (crowning) the founder or elder travels to the capitol or same region and clicks "crown", like signing a treaty. Ruler doesn't get some (any?) of his buttons until then. Perhaps after a certain amount of time, anarchy hits or rebellions are easier or etc.. I see there being more RP potential in this than actual game mechanics

6) yes, for now it would have to be a single realm army. I would like to see "army diplomacy", where armies match against armies first, then align by realm, but that's another thread and a complex idea


Quote from: Jens Namtrah on May 27, 2011, 12:28:05 AM
One difference is obviously, you are (nearly) required to be in a realm, and face the consequences good and bad of that. You don't have to join  a religion, and no one will be the wiser.

That's a large difference, yes, but that's a good thing IMHO. Religion is different, it's not just a second layer of realms.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 02:58:18 PM
If it is not noticed, then it should be. Spending enough time and money to influence the views of a significant enough portion of the regional population to actually make a significant difference should be noticed by other people. Not being noticed definitely sounds like a bug to me.

Noooooh! It's not a bug, it's a feature!

Seriously, I think it's great. The result is not as dramatic as what a priest can do, there is no "Diplomatic Take Over" for example, but it has the advantage of being covert.

It is realist too, talking to the right people without anyone noticing is what spies do.
After all it's a roleplaying game.

Stue (DC)

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
Family affiliation is an important part of the game. Quite a few people use family affiliation as an integral part of their RP. There is nothing wrong with using your family's influence and power to further the political/power goals of other family members. This is, after all, a medieval RP. Family is everything, right? And you can feel free to use that against them, as well.

In my point of view this is very questionable despite all that talk about players who make valiant efforts to separate their doubled characters - in game, in 99% of cases i see double characters used as slots who give ooc advantage to players who use it, limit interaction, limit need for players to be more involved in I-G world, and finally severely limits title opportunities, as double chars too often take double titles depriving others from it. i fully belive that is stalls the game as a whole, creating power you cannot compete with. even with such opinion, i would not prefer that to be completely removed, but would always want to see that game mechanics at least allows competing approaches to be implemented. currently, by design, everyone who uses that doubling simply has  too huge advantage.

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
So you feel that religions being able to generate significant streams of revenue will make them independent of realm influence? Actually, I'd go the exact opposite path. If this was the case, then you would see realms all over the place start to institute their own pet religions, even more so than now. And these religions would support their realm, and even provide military forces for the realm.  Religions that did not do this would not be allowed, and would be replaced with ones that did. Very few realms, if any, would allow a competing power structure to coexist with their realm-based structure. They would be integrated and controlled by the same group. That is exactly why religions do not generate significant sources of their own income. Of course, you can do it yourself by taxing your noble members via monthly fees.

The main point is in balance, and such scenario you mention is unrealistic. If, say, religion, with 10-15 temples would provide income equal to some small-sized cities, how could any ruler ever bother to found religion, "recruit" enough priests and followers, just to ensure some modest funding? I cannot imagine that. It is intended for those who have no other mans except such one, and no-one who has much more efficient way to earn money would ever bother. Moreover, so much effort is needed  that I truly don't believe anybody would found religion and do so much religious job just to take some moderate funds. Net income would be side-effect for those who are fully in religion anyhow, giving them some small power.

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
Religions are not dependent on realms for funding. They are dependent on nobles for funding. There is a significant, and extremely important, difference. You don't have to get the official support of the realm of Keplerstan. All you need is the support of one of their lords. The richer the lord, the better. And it is imperative on the religion to give the nobles a reason to contribute.

That would be true if lords are absolutely and completely free to do whatever they want, but it is not the case in many realms, and there is straightforward power of judges related to realm laws as well. Nevertheless, what I am advocating is that religion would be somewhat financially independent of everybody,  though, their temples, of course still remain dependent on will of region lords. Current financial dependency simply renders religions unattractive.   

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
There are many religions that don't have a funding problem. They offer the nobility something that they feel is worth the contribution. It could be that the religion supports them against their enemies. Or it supports their RP. Or it provides fun for the players. Whatever it is they provide, it works for them. If you can't convince your noble members to contribute to the success of your religion, then your religion is not providing them with something that they want. And I seriously doubt that this has anything at all to do with game mechanics.

I simply do not see it anywhere and I stand firmly behind it unless proved otherwise. Base of religion power comes only from either theocratic state or rich lords, who are not even interactive in-game friends, but are mostly family members. some players are prone to be attracted with anyhow large religions (similar to large realms), but that only further degrades things, as people learned that everything is monopolized and they have no hope to be able to try to compete, as power base is somewhere else, where you cannot touch it.

that is what i am talking about - power is either with state of with rich lords, but that is not religious game, as power comes from the outside, rendering religion mere decorative attachment, so why would people bother? if they want landlords game, they would play it, if they want realm policies, they would play it, they do not need religion, as it does not provide them any alternative. "religious game" is blocked by outside factors, by current tweaks.

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
And if, for some reason, you think that no realm would allow a new religion to move in anyway, I can guarantee you that you are mistaken. There are many realms that would be willing to allow you to move in and set up shop. On EC alone I can think of at least three, maybe four realms that would let you move in, so long as you didn't cause trouble, or preach a faith that had blatant doctrinal contradictions to the ones already followed. Sanctus Acies and Church of Humanity have always coexisted, and in the past been quit peaceful with Triunism. On BT, Riombara has always had a very lenient policy on new religions. PeL on Dwilight used to be, too. I hear, OOC, that Carelia was shopping around for a new religion to help invigorate some of their RP, too.

I am not sure that i presented such thoughts somewhere. in previous discussions, I hope it is to some extent clear (if i expressed it well), that i care for self-sustaining power of religion more than the fact where it resides.
However, one of your quotes describes much: )...)that would let you move in, so long as you didn't cause trouble(...).
That is the point! If you are so sure that someone will not cause trouble, ever, because he is so weak and will never be able to become very influential, you are taking care to make eternal stall  :-[ That is natural behavior of those in power that game mechanics unfortunately endorses. Mechanics should prevent any opportunity for those in power to control everything, so when you play, no matter how strong and influential you are, you should live with that that you cannot predict and control everything. Currently, mechanics allows monopolization of power which is covered by many fancy explanations of use of family influences, long-terms ties etc. all that stuff provides nothing but boredom and i have no sympathy for that.

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
More followers = more funds. Match your temple to your following, and don't overdo it on shrines, you should get very close to your expenses.

Again, i don't see it in practice after many, many months of silent checking. you either have net negative income because of too many buildings, or permanent loss of followers because of too little buildings. maybe there is some difference to that when some religion totally prevails in wide area, which is the case only with some large theocracies, so you have your balance when you actually don't needed as everything is in your hands anyhow :-X

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
You want more ways to achieve the same ends. That's fine, I'm good with that. But when the diplomat ability to influence regions is implemented, you complain that it duplicates the priest ability, making priests useless.

These are not competing ways, that is the same way given to diplomat, reducing significance of priests. i am aware that effort has been made to make diplomats more attractive, which would be good in general, but is not good if it comes at costs of priests. competing powers would be that diplomats have some other measure noone else has.

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
Then refuse to be treated that way. Stick up for yourself. Refuse to profane your religious faith for the benefit of secular authorities. Or ask for a generous contribution to your faith to compensate for your troubles. Of course once you perform the RTO, the region now belongs to you. And guess what? You now have the financial support of a lordship for your religion. Isn't this what you wanted in the first place?

it is exactly what i am doing, but all who join me get bored after a while as nothing can be achieved., only frustration that never ends, one burden after another. the only way why i am in it is because i don't care at all will i ever reach success, i care for storyline more than anything else. i feel, however, that game mechanics forces you to play only in one single manner if you want to achieve something, which is disappointing, as game world initially gives you idea that much more depth is possible, but in reality, such balance tweaks made most of ways really impractical.
RTO's does not work without large addition support of courtiers, police-work etc.. which you will not get if you are not tool of mundane powers.

in general that is ok that region needs different kinds of work to be maintained, but than it should be distributed fairly. with all priest powers i had, i tried to prepare region with about 600 population and lowest stats, to raise morale and loyalty before rto, to have it stable after rto, but did not manage it with rl 6 months of attempts, region that is outside of any route.

if you cannot use your highest power for even such insignificant region, than you really cannot create alternative way.

on the other hand, if we would want fair balance, than pagan peasants should make more troubles. if priests cannot do it without police-workers, than it should be vice-versa at least to some extent, if we want to enforce interaction and cooperation.

the biggest trouble with mentioned power monopolies, and main reason why i am writing all this at all, is that monopolies do not need interaction and cooperation and it is very much visible in many realms.

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
I completely disagree.

you may not like to see too much religion because of any kind of rl reason, but pagan peasants really did not exist at all at middle ages, religion was core of any kind of hierarchy and control, so reducing productivity for pagan peasants it seems as really mild measure in my humble opinion.

Quote from: Indirik on May 26, 2011, 03:44:51 PM
I'm not sure what you mean here, especially as relates to religion. Are you saying that there should be a religious council-level office?
While I agree that the realms *should* be able to forcibly tax cities directly, without having to rely on the completely avoidable current duchy tax system,  I don't see what this has to do with empowering religions.
"Competing power" does not directly mean "endless warfare". It sees to me that the system you are proposing would mostly result in political infighting and not direct, large-scale, realm-based conflict that is at the core of BattleMaster.

at the end of my previous post, i tried to extend idea of competing powers to other lever of power, realm council, to show some similarities as to how to achieve it.
that is, of course your opinion, but why do you think competing powers would necessarily create inter-realm wars only?

i think, if it would be properly balanced, noone could predict what would actually happen, and that, exactly that, would make game more interesting.

some competing powers would possible create strong realms who would have expansionist ambitions, other would create endless internal struggles, but that would be up to players to play and achieve something by one means or another, with different success, instead of game mechanics forcing them to use one way only.


actually... you can have 2 things

a tithe set by banker.
a tithe set by lord.

all out of existing pot.

and no. some religion boss shouldn't be allowed to levy anything themselves. they can exert power to force a levy via another character (riots that loots gold, for example)... but not directly.

and it should be possible for paganistic nobles/gov to get rid of followers of player religion via persecution. afterall, what is paganism in this context? they believe in something, just not the something the player created religions believe in. romans with their many gods are seen as pagans by christians, for example.


Ah, yes, but paganism in BM relates to unorganized religious beliefs.

In that sense, the domestic roman worship could be seen as paganism, but the organized temples and imperial worship is definitely an organized religion. If you want to act as a religious body, then you need to form yourself into one.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


QuoteRTO's does not work without large addition support of courtiers, police-work etc.. which you will not get if you are not tool of mundane powers.

in general that is ok that region needs different kinds of work to be maintained, but than it should be distributed fairly. with all priest powers i had, i tried to prepare region with about 600 population and lowest stats, to raise morale and loyalty before rto, to have it stable after rto, but did not manage it with rl 6 months of attempts, region that is outside of any route.

That sounds highly unlikely and I believe there may have been other factors that caused something to fail. Was the region starving after the RTO (Happened to me once)? Did you get a Knight? Did you set your Estate to Authority? Did you hold the right Courts?

I'm asking, because my experiences are vastly different (Note that all these accounts are from my foggy memory, so reader beware). I personally prepared Aix, a rogue City at that time, for a Colony Takeover using only Priest options (No Diplomat back then) with around 10%-15% followers, starting from next to nothing. It took some time, surely, but we got Sympathy up enough and did the CTO. Keep up loyalty and the rest will follow from my experiences. That was of course with Army Support once the CTO was started and it became the Capital soon after, with Pontifex in the region bonus.

I have RTO'd Az Zarqua and Bisciye on my own, which were highly depopulated with high followers and Worshipful and Indifferent sympathy respectively, but the latter was with Ambassador support of myself. Bisciye was starving right that day so got a huge hit to Loyalty etc. but thanks to my Ambassador options, I barely still managed to get it back on track after some time. If I had properly prepared Food in time, I think I would have made it without the Ambassador aid.

I have also been part of a recent RTO of Bursa, a region of 600 population, done by two Priests. It was already fully converted due previous preachings and sympathy was at the high end of Indifferent. The region was at good stats with low control and still holding fairly stable after 3-4 days, albeit Control is slipping now. This is with the Lord Estate on Authority and no Knights after 1-2 days (He came with the region, then returned to Caligus). There are no Nobles working on repairing the region, nor is the Lord holding Court. If we had done so, I would expect Bursa to be in pretty good shape now.

What I suspect is that something in the preparations or after the RTO caused it to fail, because it's certainly doable from my experiences.