Author Topic: Luria  (Read 371214 times)


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Re: Luria
« Reply #255: August 13, 2012, 02:55:43 AM »
The silver platter would have been a nice gesture. Guess us Solarians are just gonna have to push on. Poor D'hara. Should've kept their mainland invasion plots a little quieter.

And dear lord, the generals have been a riot.

Sevastian v. Kendal. Sevastian v. Tarajist. Chatter from the 'moot.

So entertaining. Gotta love Dwilight, when people actually talk,

For the last time--we had no plots to invade Giask.

Here's a summary of the conversations in the House of Lords months ago:

Chenier: Fissoa declared war without consulting us, and wants us to attack Giask. We have an alliance with them but it is only defensive.
Kendal: The Lurians are a bunch of snakes, that's why I left. They have always wanted to attack D'Hara.
Gornak, other nobles: We buy food from the Lurians. This will be bad for business and feeding our realm. Also, we have a total lack of cohesion in the army--our nobles could never pull this off, and they will see us coming for several days before we even arrive over that blasted sea route. There's no way this will ever work.
Message to Fissoa: Sorry, you got yourselves in this war without us, you'll have to get yourselves out of it the same way.

If that is "plotting", then "Bloodstars" is my middle name.