Author Topic: Luria  (Read 371046 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Luria
« Reply #30: May 29, 2012, 10:41:08 PM »
I kind of expect them to found an Imperial Army that could function as elite strike force as well as morale booster in any war we might be ambition. After all, when you're knight of a one region-realm, there are no monsters to fight so might as well spend your time training your unit and preparing for war. Especially as there is absolutely no reason why the lord shouldn't run the maximum tax rate in a realm that small.
Gold for everyone!

Honestly, I'm general in LN but I'm half-tempted to give that up to join PeL and become a King's Guard-esque Imperial Guard or something. It sounds like lots of fun in my opinion and would fit my character very well as I normally try to keep him away from politics. This time I just couldn't pass on an opportunity to co-design this. :)

And yeah, guilds have been founded, the oldest one still needs to be redesigned though. We'll get to that once the whole thing is actually established. :)

Better work on getting some totally bad@$$ recruitment centers then.