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Regional Lords/Ladies in prison

Started by aegispirate, May 28, 2012, 12:32:33 AM

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I searched from several angles but didn't find anything related to regional Lords being in prison.
Why does the title pass from the character when he or she is in prison? When paused I can understand it but in prison?

The estate continues, the troop remains (unless they leave due to lack of pay) and the imprisoned character has options within the prison... I can see the option for the Margrave to select a new lord/lady for the region but I've a character booted after being in prison a mere four days; a little restrictive, no? What is the cut off?



just a game balance thing... gives more turnover for titles/positions.

it doesn't really matter if the prison thing is a day or a week. you can lose the title after being captured in battle/etc.. it's lost immediately, if you are going to lose it.

the margrave (lord) doesn't select another lord (aside from via lords only elections).. it's the duke of the duchy.


I've played for sometime but I'm not a forumite. Apparently I need to be now to understand the new changes implemented.

Thanks for the reply.
I can't say I like this idea much as it runs far afield from the medieval atmosphere intended in the game. "Oops- Lord Tyrian was captured by Lady Frost. Well, there go the Lannister holdings... Let's hold a vote- How about you, John Snow? Feel up to taking a swing at it?"

My understanding of the Margrave title was that it was additional to the title duke if said duke ruled a city. Not vice versa. My point was the ducal seat could reasonably have the option to boot the titular lord if he or she is imprisoned and the region urgently requires a lord. Kicking a lord from their position because they are holed up somewhere for a week or until they shell out 100 gold give or take is a bit much to swallow. We're shooting for realism as well as balance, no?

My compliments to you and your family,


I don't think this was a new change.  It's been in place since I started playing in 2009, probably a lot longer even then.

The Margrave title was introduced to separate the title of dukedom from regional lordship.  Dukes now holds a duchy's allegiance, whereas Margraves holds a city's allegiance.  Before these two allegiances were lumped together in the Duke title.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


there are only so many titles to go around... and a ton more players... just a way to allow more people a stab at it.

as for realism, there's no reason for elections or title not staying in the same family automatically. or for that matter.. no reason for gender equality. but it's there...

duke can't boot a lord just like a ruler can't boot a duke (aside from judge banning people... but the other side has option to secede/flip before ban kicks in) ... at least not at the moment. there was some talk about it.. but i doubt it'll be done.


BattleMaster is not Game of Thrones. There's loads of stuff in Game of Thrones that's very cool, but far too complex for BattleMaster to model well.

This is one of a number of decisions that are based on game balance rather than realism or what would have actually happened in the milieu.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan