Author Topic: War please.  (Read 91193 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: War please.
« Reply #165: June 30, 2012, 07:10:15 PM »
So Aurvandil was going to war Barca no matter what?  :P

You've misunderstood me, Aurvandil wouldn't war with Barca no matter what, but if they tried to employ cowardly tactics to try and supplicate themselves and appease Aurvandil (In this context being the blanket banishment of nobles they think we don't like), we wouldn't tolerate such dishonourable actions.

That's kinda what I'm getting.

"We're attacking you because we didn't get what we want. But if we got what we wanted, we'd attack you because we got it too easily."

No, that isn't even close to what I said.

"Aurvandil has respect for nobles who will fight us,"  :o I never read something so funny! Aurvandil, respect? he,he,he...

Iin the end the Barca pirates will be exterminated!!! but with respect! ...and a bit of steel!  ;D

Well, Aurvandil always treats its foe with respect and chivalry. Unless you listened to Abbot's old propaganda regime when he tried to plug us as baby eating barbarian's out to murder every noble everywhere, kind of a similar tactic used by Helm actually... Didn't work well for either of them.