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Power Ranking Discussion

Started by Foundation, June 22, 2012, 05:00:02 PM

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1. Aurvandil
2. Astrum
3. Morek
4. Luria Nova
5. Asylon
6. D'Hara
7. Kabrinskia
8. Terran
9. Solaria
10. Corsanctum
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).

Dante Silverfire

Okay, I have decided upon a list. This list takes into account all that Foundation mentioned in the first post. While some of the picks are out of order on what you may consider a pure military stand point, I have placed particular weight on political strife/stability (both internal and external), demonstrated military cohesion and performance, and management of available resources.

1. Aurvandil
2. Astrum
3. Morek Empire
4. Lurian Federation
5. Kabrinskia
6. Terran
7. Asylon
8. Zuma Coalition
9. Corsanctum
10. D'Hara

Discussion of picks for clarification of choice:

1. Aurvandil receives the top spot due to demonstrated ability having the highest cohesion in an army yet demonstrated on Dwilight, and the ability to maximize limited resources for broad military gains. With a stronger economy than before their war with Madina, they are well poised as the strongest military power on Dwilight.

2&3. Astrum and the Morek Empire are very close. Morek Empire could arguably be said to have a stronger influence militarily in the area around its regions, and has a larger noble count. However, Astrum's economy is better than Morek's and Astrum's political influence beats that of Morek at the current date. With Brance from Astrum as Regent of SA, additional influence and points are gained by Astrum.

4. Luria is a pickle. Having been a player of Luria since the very beginning of Alanna's reign there, I have a particular bias towards Luria. However, I do not believe that bias has caused me to incorrectly place Luria here. The reasons are quite simple, and hard to understand for anyone who has not played in a Lurian realm. From the outside, Luria appears fragmented and has large political instability. However, when faced with a foreign threat, the alliances in Luria are ironclad, and a Lurian will fight beside a Lurian they hate if Luria is threatened before they would ever fight a Lurian. Foreign diplomacy for Luria has been as a single cohesive unit, and that is why they are the only power bloc included on this list. The Moot is excluded because in their war against Kabrinskia they demonstrated inability to capitalize on superior strength and did not exercise the full force of their federation.

5&6&7. Kabrinskia, Terran, and Asylon are very close together. Based purely on numbers, the order should be Asylon, Terran, Kabrinskia. However, I have chosen the opposite based upon the following reason:

a. Kabrinskia was able to fight Terran to an essential stand still and won in military matchups which they should have lost, due to failings in the Terran military command.

b. Terran failed to capitalize on their superior military and economic advantage. Terran also has better allies than Kabrinskia but has demonstrated inability to use them effectively. Meanwhile, Kabrinskia has demonstrated a very good ability to capitalize on its political links to come to its defense.

c. Asylon should be higher on the list, but political instability both internal and external have knocked it down on the list. With a stronger militay and economy than both Kabrinskia and Terran, Asylon would have been at #5. However, their ruler has demonstrated an ineptness at politics that highly weakens his realm's strength, while indicating possible insanity. With the current course of the war in that region, it is likely that Kabrinskia will only grow stronger at Asylon's expense, which places it in a better position.

d. Kabrinskia currently (as of 7 days ago) tops the charts of CS/noble demonstrating their ability to capitalize on their strength more than any other realm in the current term.

8. The Zuma Coaltiion. Technically they are a realm, even if it is an NPC realm. They make the list primarily due to their ability to incite fear in the surrounding realms, as well as their demonstrated ability to both influence conflict in the surrounding areas, while having their enemies fight against each other instead of uniting on the Zuma. The Zuma have very strong military capabilities in the short term and have used them to maintain territorial sovereignty and continue to make progress on their goals on the island, with many of Dwilight none the wiser. However, due to weaknesses in their fighting capability they only come in at #8.

9. Corsanctum has a decent sized military capability. However, their true strength comes in their religious influence and importance to the religion of Sanguis Astroism. As the power-seat of the prophet, they are essentially safe from all military persecution by outside influences (besides the fact they are also surrounded by allies).

10. D'Hara could have received a higher spot on the list due to their economic advantages, allies, and geographical position. However, their lack of any sort of military (although this is changing) and lack of many advanced recruitment centers reduces their point on the list. But, they are also a realm likely to rise in power rapidly when they choose to do so. Unfortunately they have allies on one side while the Lurian Federation on the other. Expansion prospects are slim.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


There are three hegemonies on Dwilight: SA, the 'moot, and Luria. Everyone else is irrelevant, or soon to be. Not trying to be flippant about it, but as the continent fills up, interests tend to coalesce, and those are the groups that have formed. Sucks for Aurvandil, Asylon, and Summerdale.


Quote from: Solari on June 23, 2012, 04:32:40 AM
There are three hegemonies on Dwilight: SA, the 'moot, and Luria. Everyone else is irrelevant, or soon to be. Not trying to be flippant about it, but as the continent fills up, interests tend to coalesce, and those are the groups that have formed. Sucks for Aurvandil, Asylon, and Summerdale.

Asylon and the Moot remain closely allied. Terran's army is in Via right now.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Glaumring on June 23, 2012, 04:16:43 AM
lol your evaluation of Asylon only shows your vast ineptness. There is no political instability in Asylon. You get one noble out of 38 yapping on the forum and think the whole kingdom is falling apart. Trust me, things are awesome right now in Asylon. We had a few hiccups in the beginning. Plus, the whole insanity thing doesn't work when you come from a kingdom named after your ruler who also has a hole drilled in her head.

If you knew anything about the current situation you'd know how irrelevant Allison is for Kabrinskia's future going forward, and yet she has done the thing MOST likely to secure the win for Kabrinskia in this war.

There is political instability with Asylon. The ruler of Asylon is inept in politics. You have created external political instability, in that from a foreign basis Asylon is seen as an unstable element by its neighbors. Internal stability may not currently be strong, however, as the war continues and if Glaumring continues to act as he has, he will likely cause internal stability issues. However, internal stability is a lot less relevant here, than the external stability.

Perhaps I'll be proved wrong about my list, but I gave explanations which I feel make a reasonable argument for the positions that I chose.

Quote from: Solari on June 23, 2012, 04:32:40 AM
There are three hegemonies on Dwilight: SA, the 'moot, and Luria. Everyone else is irrelevant, or soon to be. Not trying to be flippant about it, but as the continent fills up, interests tend to coalesce, and those are the groups that have formed. Sucks for Aurvandil, Asylon, and Summerdale.

This is extremely true. However, the only hegemony I felt was currently relevant to the list was Luria simply because they are the only hegemony who has proven so far that they will work together above all internal interests when it comes to external conflicts. SA, while materially stronger is not as united as Luria. The Moot is probably not even militarily stronger than Luria when Luria decides to actually build a military fit to fight foreign realms. On an even scale, Luria would probably beat the Moot, and the Moot is a lot less cohesive than Luria.

On the one hand though, a strong cohesive singular realm can stand up united interests such as Luria and the Moot. Aurvandil though is the only realm I currently consider capable of holding their own in such a situation through right now. But, if the federations do their job they would beat Aurvandil. However, Luria's lack of experience in fighting foreign realms (and lets face it, Fissoa doesn't count) hurts its rating.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Solari on June 23, 2012, 04:32:40 AM
There are three hegemonies on Dwilight: SA, the 'moot, and Luria. Everyone else is irrelevant, or soon to be. Not trying to be flippant about it, but as the continent fills up, interests tend to coalesce, and those are the groups that have formed. Sucks for Aurvandil, Asylon, and Summerdale.

I would rank that:

1. SA
2. Lurias
3. Aurvandil
4. 'moot
5. Asylon
6. Summerdale

Sanguis Astroism is clearly number one, but then it gets much less clear after that. I pick Luria as second because they are pretty strong and they are growing fast, which means even if they aren't second to SA yet, they should get there in time. Aurvandil next because they are crazy coordinated. 'moot after that because, although they are undoubtedly strong, their bonds have grown somewhat looser of late. D'Hara evades military conflict. Barca lost regions to Aurvandil. Terran stalemated a war against a weaker realm primarily due to military ineptitude. Asylon is beset and all sides and will likely lose Itau. Summerdale is on there way to the Lost Realms category.

Glaumring the Fox

We live lives in beautiful lies...


That is a bit of an exaggeration. Asylon doesn't have any enemies to the west.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Eh, I tend to slightly exaggerate when a giant SA hammer is coming down on a realm.


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on June 23, 2012, 04:49:35 AM
If you knew anything about the current situation you'd know how irrelevant Allison is for Kabrinskia's future going forward, and yet she has done the thing MOST likely to secure the win for Kabrinskia in this war.

Well that's a load of contradictory silliness.
Lokenth, Warrior of Arcaea, former Adventurer
Adamir, Lord of Luria Nova


Quote from: Glaumring on June 23, 2012, 06:44:21 AM
Winter is coming...

Wonderful. Another one of the four seasons approaches. I do not know, however, why this has any bearing on Asylon's general strength, or power ranking.

If you would like to spread your delusions of Asylon grandeur and winning, there is a topic for that. This topic, though, is about how realms stack up against other realms continent wide though, and I don't want another topic dragged into talking only about Asylon. I enjoy talking about the Asylonian war. But I don't like only talking about the Asylonian war.


Quote from: Daycryn on June 23, 2012, 06:53:49 AM
Well that's a load of contradictory silliness.

Actually it makes perfect sense, if you know what's actually going on.


If I understand what I read previously somewhere it makes a lot of sense.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Geronus on June 23, 2012, 06:59:48 AM
Actually it makes perfect sense, if you know what's actually going on.

Beat me to it.

What I stated while on the surface makes zero sense, makes perfect sense once you know exactly what I'm referring to. And yes, it does secure Kabrinskia's future quite nicely. But apparently what I considered public information hasn't reached everyone yet, so we'll let that play out IC for more fun.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Quote from: Dante Silverfire on June 23, 2012, 07:22:14 AM
Beat me to it.

What I stated while on the surface makes zero sense, makes perfect sense once you know exactly what I'm referring to. And yes, it does secure Kabrinskia's future quite nicely. But apparently what I considered public information hasn't reached everyone yet, so we'll let that play out IC for more fun.
It is since I got the info if I recall on the forums but I haven't used it to effect my character in any way. If someone just though about how you posted it too they could figure it out. In character it might be public knowledge within Terran and Kabrinskia but I don't think outside of that.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton