Author Topic: Reputation?  (Read 27412 times)


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Re: Reputation?
« Reply #15: April 04, 2011, 05:32:20 AM »
And I will have to disagree on that. I'm sure you can find some cleverly constructed arguments bot for and against such a position, courtesy of the many philosophers who passed before us and who are our contemporaries. But, I think that would in fact deviate way too much from this thread, about reputation. This doesn't seem to be a place to discuss past and present arguments about the nature of antagonism and whether it is under conscious control, and so on. It will inevitably lead down a long place into which we (at least I) don't desire to venture too deep.

As OPer I will give you the go ahead to deviate from this topic and discuss this philosophical point of view.  I believe that it's too hard for internet-personalities to truly connect. You only read the text with no emotion, personality, motions, eye contact, tone of voice, etc. As the player who tends to disagree with me and give up trying to explain yourself I would like to see your point of view on this whole matter as I am curious as are others.
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