Author Topic: History from the time of the Daimon Arcane  (Read 5542 times)

Glaumring the Fox

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History from the time of the Daimon Arcane
« Topic Start: March 24, 2011, 01:22:31 PM »
This is some history from Vlaandaran during the reign of Arcane from the perspective of Gathled(later Balgathled of Mesh) if anyone is interested I am adding this for posterity since its a wall of text and don't want to lose it. Feel free to respond

Gathled paced the empty hall and looked about the room, It had been so long , it felt as if he had been in Tindle forever...

Gathled's eyes opened , he was sitting in a field on the periphery of a small village. Light drizzle rain came from the sky and fog mist coated everything around him. Gathled was confused , for so long his mind had been blank, the last few days , or was it weeks? months? they were a blank... He looked at his clothing and it was tattered , no one was around him, no troop nor guard stood at attention. His hands were dirty and he felt lost and disoriented.
He stood and heard sounds of drinking and hilarity coming from the small village. A short walk on unsteady feet found him at what seemed to be a small hall, inside could be heard hilarious laughter. He walked to the windows and peered in. The hall was brightly lit and around the tables sat his men, they were drunk and had procured the villagers from all around to dress in costumes and serve drinks. and instead of chairs they sat on the carcasses of dead horses, near the center of the room a soldier was riding an old man around on his back and whipping him and laughing. Gathled pushed open the drinking hall doors and entered the brightly lit circus scene.
The candles flickered briefly as the wind pushed across the room, for a moment all was still inside the room , as if a ripple had passed across the facade of reality and for a brief moment showed a waking dream...
His men noticed him enter the room...
"aye, Cap'n fancy anuher drunk will ye?" a toothy unshaved man in rusted platemail yelled from across the room, he raised his mug and slammed it on the table.
"Where are we?" Gathled slowly said to no one in particular.
"Tindle sire" a soldier said raising his drunken head from the table briefly " where weh always are..."
"What is going on in here...or anywhere?"
"What ye ordered sir, revelry an drunk'n shennanigans" the man riding the old man like a horse yelled out as he guffawed .
Gathled was confused , he had no memory of this... No memory of anything like this.
"How long have we been here?" he said , panic began to spread through his body.
"Forever milord..."
The room shimmered and the fire in the room flickered and then died before everyones eyes, the room was dark, there wasn't any movement. Gathled pushed a mug off a table and it rolled and broke on the floor, the ceramic sound of shards echoed across the room.
There was no one in the room, the room had shadows in it that moved swiftly across the walls, he saw a horse flying around the back of the room, as if caught in a draft, it twirled like a one winged butterfly in the darkness...
"Who..o..o.oo. is there... " Gathled said into the darkness.
" It... is... I" a voice came from the twirling horse carcass , Gathled stumbled backwards towards the door, he found the latch and pushed it outward , the fear in his body was like electricity, he felt like something was strangling him... He lunged out into the drizzle and rain and stumbled over a soft body of a woman in the grass, his hands pushed into the soft soil , he stumbled across clothing and garbage and piles of bodies... around him so many dead... the stench.
Near the well stood a massive collection of black clad cloaked figures, their armor shimmered in the light...
"What are you??!" Gathled sputtered out and groped at their cloaks.
"We... are ... you" They said in unison, he saw their faces , under the beards and tattooed faces, they were his men, they were covered in blood. the village around them made the sound of a groan as air passed through the empty structures.
"Why has this , how?" He said eyes rolling wildly.
"Orders sir...Your orders" They said , their voices slowly trailing off into the night...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 01:28:55 PM by Glaumring »
We live lives in beautiful lies...