Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Succession Fort—Angnomal, "Redstaff"  (Read 59566 times)


  • Noble Lord
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So, I may have played my turn months and months ago, then forgot to put up the save game... whoops?

Here it is:

---Happenings in my final days---
We suffered our first casualty, Dakost Feshfikod, Engraver. Burnt to death after taking the dangerous job of tapping a new magma channel. His screams were horrible.

I built a temporary entrance, some stairways leading up to the depot

Mined out the first seam of Iron, so I laid some shafts in the level below. Found another one, it should keep us going for awhile.

Started a third military squad, the Oils of Iron and expanded our two main squads to eight dwarves each. Our Melee Squad (Fenced Tightnesses) just need their greaves done and they'll be full kitted out in Steel. Oh, and they all have Master-class weapons.

The manager got possessed and started demanding "stone rock" "tree life", "Leather Skin" and "cloth thread". Regrettably I could find what he needed and he went mad. In preparation I build a Hall of Memories. Curiously enough Dakost got a burial... I have no idea what they put in the coffin and dont want to know.

Caravan arrived, carrying Platinum and Alumininum of all things. I bought two nuggets, some booze and cloth for stone crafts and a large gem. Ordered booze and gypsum powder for next year.

Started doing some engravings. A disturbingly high amount of them seem to be images of Anaris...

Another five snatchers wandered along, two of whom stumbled into cage traps. I sent the Militia after the others, they only managed to land one hit though.

And thats it.
-Mad, naked Weaver is locked up in a workshop
-Milita performance worrying; they missed a lot against those snatchers. We also run out of empty cages. I recommend starting an Arena to give our troops some better training and clear out the cages.
-Our booze stock is low, although I ordered some brewing to take care of that. Our food situation is fairly good, just make sure the millers keep working.
-We're running out of lumber, although we've got a fair bit of charcoal for steel making.
-I didn't get around to building a well. Since the outside water freezes for half the year, this is going to be necessary if we dont want our casualties dying of thirst.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus