Author Topic: Assassination!  (Read 33384 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Assassination!
« Reply #30: July 20, 2012, 03:43:44 PM »
I guess this is how these threads go:

Blah blah justification for whatever my character is doing blah blah why he's right and everyone else is wrong blah.

Dude, forget that. Why do I care OOCly whether Kindara is great, sort of bad, or mostly bad? I had fun while Galiard was visiting. I was sorry that more of Cathay's nobles who came along didn't participate in the RP but I keep hearing 'well, FEI isn't SMA' so I guess that's to be expected now. Edmund is a great character and Rosalind too. What's happening in character is an entirely plausible scenario that might have happened in the middle ages, if you care about that sort of thing. Except that poor Victor probably would've had a better chance at his (brother's?) palace of murdering a guest than he did in-game.

I don't even know what yard stick to use to try and explain OOCly if Galiard is 'right' in a 21st century Internet forum posting, and even if I did I'd just be making this more 'us players versus them players.' He's a curmudgeonly old bastard who thinks that anybody born in the last 35 IC years has no idea what custom, chivalry, or manners are. In his lifetime he's executed two Dukes and un-Duked two more for various offenses real or imagined and he's banished lords because their knights were misbehaving. If I played BM like a team sport as seems to be more common these days, he'd be a lot more accommodating, Cathay would be more boring, and he'd never promote or support boat-rockers like William or Caspius.

So to whatever extent is possible, no matter how much Galiard bloviates to the contrary, I hope Zonasa and Kindara have a good time and enjoy themselves as I hope Cathay does too!

If it wasn't for Galiard, I wouldn't still be in Cathay.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)