Author Topic: Faery Tale Online  (Read 212083 times)


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #30: July 19, 2012, 06:46:47 PM »
Some of us need to play females and work overtime... I volunteer! I will be the ant queen. Make sure to bring stuff to feed me muwhahaha


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #31: July 19, 2012, 07:05:38 PM »
Some of us need to play females and work overtime... I volunteer! I will be the ant queen. Make sure to bring stuff to feed me muwhahaha

Join their FB page, and then you'll see that most of their players are females, and their chars are getting overloaded  :-P
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #32: July 19, 2012, 07:48:21 PM »

Join their FB page, and then you'll see that most of their players are females, and their chars are getting overloaded  :-P

Really? then I guess I should choose a male character.


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #33: July 19, 2012, 09:01:49 PM »

Reading the players' discussions, my interest in this game just shot up 1,000%! Requested to join the FB group. Everyone else join, lets start a wave. :-P

I'll post the game on Bay12 also, see if we can get another 50-150 folks to bomb the queue lmfao.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #34: July 19, 2012, 09:23:59 PM »

Reading the players' discussions, my interest in this game just shot up 1,000%! Requested to join the FB group. Everyone else join, lets start a wave. :-P

I'll post the game on Bay12 also, see if we can get another 50-150 folks to bomb the queue lmfao.

ROFL! We might become the biggest tribe :o


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #35: July 20, 2012, 06:28:03 AM »
But you really don't have any say where you spawn, which is good. Can't really form a tribe when some of us will have wings, some are fish and some walk the forest, and some exists in who knows on what aetheric plane. Though we can certainly influence the game for the better. A sudden flow of good roleplayers can only be good for the game.

74th at the queue.


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #36: July 20, 2012, 07:41:06 AM »
I have played Faery Tale Online for a long time and actually I'm the person who mentioned in when talking to Jean Pierre. ;) I have not been active there lately due to RL stress, but maybe I can answer some of your questions.

The game isn't new at all, I have been playing it for several RL years. The queue has just always been too big to manage for the ingame mothers. Considering that there is a total population of 405 characters spread over a lot of races at the moment, counting in all characters too young or too old to produce babies and all inactives (there is no auto-pausing due to inactivity in this game, so if an inactive character is being fed by others, they can practically survive forever) and also considering the fact that not every character would be interested in becoming a parent or able to find a partner for that, it might be a bit more understandable why a queue of 161 is not exactly easy to handle for the existing characters.

There was a huge drop of players when the game creator had decided to kill off every character over the age of 50 with a mysterious sickness to prevent some supposed clanning and I myself lost my favorite character to this "purge" and was pretty frustrated back then. Then there was also a breakdown of the server for several months and when the game returned, it was with a limited play time of one hour per day per account which caused even more players to quit. With a few tricks, it is relatively easy to still play a lot, though. Simply type all of your roleplays offline in a text editor of some sort while you stay on your portal screen where you can select a character to play and only enter the game world with one of your characters to paste it in, then go back to the portal screen where no time will be subtracted.

There's also the problem of the server only admitting a certain number of players online at the same time which was quite an annoyance during US prime time before the huge player drop. I hope the server will be able to handle the amount of new players now.

And I guess I should warn you that you can't expect much support with fixing bugs or anything in this game. The game developer has mostly withdrawn from the community and does not want any helpers. If you are lucky, he will react to it if you send him a message via facebook in the case of a character dying because of a bug. Some bug deaths have been fixed, others haven't. And often, people sending him messages don't get a reply at all.

If your character ever gets killed by another player, even if it's for OOC reasons or killed by a supposed troll or whatever, don't expect any help at all from the game creator. He has made it pretty clear he does not want to have anything to do with such player arguments. I assume that was also the reason why he closed the forums for the game, so that only the facebook group and IRC are left for communication between the players. Your only chance for a character resurrection is after a death caused by a bug and even then it's not guaranteed at all.

Sometimes, he introduces new features to the game, but he does it when he feels like it and will not let the community know in advance. I also doubt that any new feature requests would be answered or even wanted.

All of this might sound a bit harsh, but I thought you should know in advance instead of getting a wrong impression. There won't be any magistrates or titans in Faery Tale Online and no kind of other "staff", so the players have to deal with such things themselves. But even despite this withdrawal of the game creator, I think every roleplayer who likes fantasy settings with different races, who likes purely text-based games and who has no aversion to playing a baby and child for the first few weeks in this game can have a lot of fun. And just like in BattleMaster with the different realms, your gaming experience can vary greatly depending on which parents you are born to. There are no NPCs, every character has a real player behind them.

I'm not sure yet how much time I'll have over the coming weekend, but I will try to answer questions here. Also, I'll give you some information on how to start in that game as soon as I find the time for typing it. You won't be born over the weekend anyway, so I guess there is no reason for urgency. ;)

Oh, and the only thing you can choose for your character is the gender. The race you are born into will simply depend on which character is giving birth when you are in spot 0 of the birthing queue (yes, #1 is not the actual person first in line, you have to go down to 0 for that :p) and your character name will be chosen by your character's mother some time after the birth (it can sometimes take a few RL days until the players of the parents have decided on a name.) Also, I have heard from some players that they had difficulties playing as one of the more "exotic" races because they could not get used to playing a furry character. :p Be prepared that there's not only high-fantasy races like elves and dwarves, but also a lot of others. Well, and you could also just end up as a human, too, instead of any fantasy race, so be prepared for that possibility as well. ;)


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #37: July 20, 2012, 08:02:52 AM »
too old to give birth...

do you die from old age too automatically?


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #38: July 20, 2012, 08:25:25 AM »
This game just went from being awesome to !@#$. The creator sounds like he doesn't give a damn about the game...


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #39: July 20, 2012, 03:18:21 PM »
Yes, characters eventually die of old age. When exactly that is depends on the race. And quite some time before they die, characters will become unable to reproduce because of old age. They can still mate mechanically, but it won't result in a pregnancy any longer. I'm not sure if there are exact numbers for every race or if there is a bit of randomness to it as well.

Zakilevo, I fear you can actually call it like that, yeah. Though it's not the creator who makes the game fun or not fun, but the people you play it with. Even with the creator being "absent", I personally still did have a lot of fun and the whole family system in combination with the fantasy races made it a quite unique and nice experience. I simply thought I should warn you all in advance that there's no technical support or something like that. Bugs do happen from time to time, though the deadly ones mostly involve characters over 100 right now who should not be fighting any animals any longer because even a butterfly can kill them, even if their race lives far longer than 100. Something must be wrong with their hitpoint calculation or something, though hitpoints are a hidden value. I don't know if that's going to be fixed or not, though if any of you should play a character long enough to reach that age, simply... don't go hunting, no matter what race you are. :p

If there are any problems or questions that you have that do not require the game creator to do something, the community on facebook is always very helpful towards new players and you can also ask me here.

Oh, and if anyone decides they don't like the game after being born, they should consider giving the account away to someone here or someone on facebook who would like to play without waiting through the queue. It won't only make that person happy, but also the players of the parents for whom it is pretty frustrating to give birth to only inactives. :(
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 03:44:21 PM by Andira »


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #40: July 20, 2012, 06:10:31 PM »
Pregnant Mothers: 0
Your position in the birth queue is: 159
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #41: July 20, 2012, 06:49:13 PM »
I'm 135...

I wonder how many people just walk away and give up. This is pretty ridiculous.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #42: July 20, 2012, 06:52:03 PM »
I'm 135...

I wonder how many people just walk away and give up. This is pretty ridiculous.

72 now. 6-10 people are being born every day... So 8-9 days for me...


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #43: July 20, 2012, 06:54:35 PM »
You can't have 6-10 people born per day when there are no pregnant mothers. There's going to be a slowdown for a bit while all the potential mommies are busy getting knocked up.
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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #44: July 20, 2012, 08:58:06 PM »
Yeah, the wait is pretty long and annoying, but I guess it's the price one has to pay for being able to actually play a character's background story by being born into a family. You could read some stories in the Faery Tale to entertain yourself while waiting (it's described in my FAQ below how to access these stories) or visit the facebook group or the Faery Tale Online IRC channel to communicate with some players.

I've found the time to write down the necessary information for you all before anyone gets born, so that things won't go terribly wrong after the birth. And I've also taken some screenshots because it might be interesting to see a more up-to-date one than the one linked on the homepage:

The Portal Screen
The Game World

You have just been born.

So... what to do next? The first thing you should do is to lean back for a moment and think about what it really means that your character enters the game world as a newborn baby. Babies can't talk or walk yet, they can't even stand or pick up things or feed or dress themselves.

Your character will be completely dependent on his or her parents and you should play the character accordingly. Please don't do things that newborn babies wouldn't do, like running through buildings on your own without any other characters roleplaying that they carry your character.

And even more please, don't pick up things from the ground, no matter how tempting it might be with reference to other games where you normally grab everything you see and equip it. If you simply pick up everything you see, you might just have stolen the whole colony's box with food supplies and if you don't put it back, their only way of getting it back would be killing your character - and of course nobody wants to see that happen.

Especially, please don't pick up weapons or armor because that might put other players in red alert mode, thinking the player behind this baby is not a new, clueless player, but a jerk who does not want to roleplay and just wants to kill other characters on the first chance they're given.

Of course this is not what you are (hopefully ;)), so just don't touch weapons or armor at all and also don't try to build them on your own as a child, unless you get the permission to do so from an adult character. Not listening to this advice might result in the death of your character.

Many players are very sensitive about weapons and armor after witnessing some serious trolling in the game - please try to understand them and what it would feel like to lose beloved characters to some jerk who loves ruining the fun for others and never put any effort in actually roleplaying in this game, but instead saw it as his sole purpose to cause as much damage as possible. So, yeah, no weapons and armor for now. ;)

Enjoy the experience and roleplay what a newborn/toddler/child would actually do at your character's age, like crying because of hunger, babbling, slowly learning to crawl and walk and speak, getting to know the world around them while being taught things they need to know by their family, like how to make your own food and everything you should know about the race's unique culture. Some races might even have unique vocabulary for some things.

Please try to leave any prejudices from the real world behind when you start playing your character. Things that are considered right or wrong in the real world don't have to be the same in the culture of your character's race. There are some races that don't bury their dead, for example, and maybe even eat them. That sounds disgusting from a RL perspective, but seeing that it's a more animal-like race, it would be completely normal for them.

Given the fact that most races in this game started with one Adam and one Eve character who then produced offspring, it is nothing uncommon to see a brother and a sister have babies together either. Again, this looks repulsive from a RL perspective, but there is nothing wrong with it in the world of Faery Tale Online.

It will make the experience so much better for you if you just give the unique culture of your race a chance and have your character learn how things are handled in the ingame world instead of thinking of your character as yourself with RL values and morale.

Also, please have some patience with other players. They might be living in time zones very different from your own and be asleep or at work when you're logged in, so give them some hours to react.