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Faery Tale Online

Started by JPierreD, July 14, 2012, 03:07:23 AM

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I don't really understand their definition of "troll" then. Though lately it seems to me anyway some people just love throwing that word around whenever they see fit, no matter if it's appropriate or not.


Quote from: jaune on October 26, 2012, 11:55:25 AM
My kitten died last night. Frozed to death... pretty harsh, luckily i have that Kindred char still alive and kicking.

You might like to know that you have been mourned. Little consolation in there, but hey, it's something.

About all the rest I've read, I must say that I was quite a bit upset, especially at the statement that we do stupid RP. Stupid RP? So, are you going to tell us, damned tribal bitch who only cares for hunting, eating and NOT feeding the little ones, that we don't know to RP? We, that are used to RP much bigger things, including politics, treason and ACTUAL dinamism in the world? Are you sure that is not YOUR RP the stupid one?

I almost went to IRC immediately, but then I thought about it twice, said "meh" and went out with my friends for some beers and pizza. The best way to forget about silly accusations from silly people.

Though seriously now, I do think that there is one very, very important difference between FTO and BM, and I'll pick only one from the many that one can come to realise: the community. Tom is active whereas the other guy not, people here try to (surprise!) teach you how things are done instead of just blasting your head off... I certainly think BM has a much more friendly community (in general lines, and specially if you are a newbie)

I've enjoyed my game so far, but if I had been born in places like that, I'm pretty sure I'd have considered seriously just rage-quitting or becoming a real troll, out of pure revenge. Man, there sure are a lot of jerks in this world...

And yes, I've slept very little for the latter days and am somehow irritable. Specially for these kind of stupid things about something so dumb as believing you know how to play better than the rest and killing characters who have taken months to be born just out of your blind pride. To  hell with them.
D'Espana Family


I agree, kind of.... but then again, i love the kindred place where i am. But for what i have from other people... there seem to be a lot troubleous people.

And yeap, i understand more and more the "playing with your friends" thing which keep popping up on time to time at BM. BM is really friendly place :)

~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: jaune on October 26, 2012, 11:55:25 AM
My kitten died last night. Frozed to death... pretty harsh
My Talian is currently walking around on the polar ice caps wearing only a shirt and pants he made out of seaweed. I have often wondered, if I go too far south, will I get heat stroke?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: D'Espana on October 27, 2012, 05:48:00 PMpeople here try to (surprise!) teach you how things are done instead of just blasting your head off... I certainly think BM has a much more friendly community (in general lines, and specially if you are a newbie)

Hey, I try to teach people in both games. ;) I have even written a "How to play" guide that I link to every baby born to me and I'm always open for OOC question in the game as well, so that nobody is forced to use IRC. None of my FTO characters has actually ever killed anyone. I'm also very hesitant with calling someone a troll. Usually I just believe it's a clueless new player, unless they show -really- obvious signs of trolling, like emoting "Hahaha, this game sucks I. f*ed your Mom".

I just really wish that some of the "loudest" other players were still able to see the game with the eyes of a new player, like "Oh, a new button, I'll click on it". Then they'd show more patience... though some of the older players, and I won't say any names, simply seem to be very angry and irritable persons in general, from what I've seen of them.


Quote from: Andira on October 28, 2012, 02:51:42 PM
I just really wish that some of the "loudest" other players were still able to see the game with the eyes of a new player, like "Oh, a new button, I'll click on it".

I always try this as well, and think that it is the best way to make a game to work and to have nice people around. I was obviously generalising, I don't believe all the folks in FTO to be like that, but I do think that they exist in a bigger proportion than in BM.

Quote from: jaune on October 27, 2012, 06:49:41 PM
And yeap, i understand more and more the "playing with your friends" thing which keep popping up on time to time at BM. BM is really friendly place :)


You don't know how much I agree with you here...
D'Espana Family


Quote from: Andira on October 28, 2012, 02:51:42 PM

I just really wish that some of the "loudest" other players were still able to see the game with the eyes of a new player, like "Oh, a new button, I'll click on it". Then they'd show more patience... though some of the older players, and I won't say any names, simply seem to be very angry and irritable persons in general, from what I've seen of them.

People asked me what I gained by killing things I had no business killing. 
Well, I got to see the combat interface.  Regardless of what my character is supposed to know, I as a player would have not known there was a combat interface or how combat took place had I not taken that risk.  And of course I was thinking "ooh, shiny new button" and not "muahahaha, let's troll and hurt this colony and grieve the players because I'm a troll". 
Like you said, it was a lame weapon! And they were bats!  It's not like I attacked a PC.  Unless bats were sacred in this colony or some weird !@#$, I saw no problem with that. 


I really don't know the colony, so no clue if bats are somehow important to them or if the ones you attacked were the last few of the species so that they can't reproduce any longer or... something. Maybe they were important, maybe not. *shrugs* But I wouldn't think they're worth killing an actively RPing character of a new player over it. People said they warned you OOC before your char got killed... was that during a time when you had not logged into the game after hunting? Or was the log so full that you missed those messages? (Just wondering, since I still don't understand all of this mess, but not trying to accuse you).


Well, there are many colonies, most do not even know of the existence of each other, so don't think it's everywhere like that. I have even started a Dwarven colony myself and been having children (will keep having them, so hopefully I'll get a BMer or two), but so far almost all of them have been inactive ones.

The most vocal FTO community has deep and serious welcoming problems. They were for too long a static and unchanging group, and they don't have a Tom to keep jerks at bay.

The solution? Just mingle with those you like, and ignore the others. No use in fighting.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Quote from: Andira on October 29, 2012, 06:09:10 AM
I really don't know the colony, so no clue if bats are somehow important to them or if the ones you attacked were the last few of the species so that they can't reproduce any longer or... something. Maybe they were important, maybe not. *shrugs* But I wouldn't think they're worth killing an actively RPing character of a new player over it. People said they warned you OOC before your char got killed... was that during a time when you had not logged into the game after hunting? Or was the log so full that you missed those messages? (Just wondering, since I still don't understand all of this mess, but not trying to accuse you).

I missed the warning.  People were roleplaying about a lost baby who had wandered in or out of some building and I noticed those messages but not the warning.  I don't remember seeing it but I probably skipped it because it said OOC and I'm used to ignoring OOC messages.  (Not that I don't care, but in BM you can skip ooc messages and it doesn't matter.) It is on the log, though.  And yeah, I feel stupid for not noticing.

I guess someone with a more BM-style would have reacted IC with a "Leave that alone. Stop that." instead of an OOC message. 

But well, I guess I just have to wait for my next character to be born.  Hopefully I'll have better luck next time.


I wish you luck with your next family and hope you'll have a better experience with your next character. :) It's great that you haven't given up. And I hope your wait won't be too long.

And heh, yes, OOC messages in FTO usually are important and have something to do with what is going on, not like in BattleMaster where people sometimes just chat about random stuff in OOC messages. It's understandable with your BM background, though, that you wouldn't have paid a lot of attention to it.

And I would have preferred an IC reaction from your family as well instead of suddenly playing it as if your character had never existed. That might work with a baby no more than a couple of days old who suddenly started emoting OOC insults at other players instead of actually RPing, but it's not at all a good solution for a character that has been an actively RPing member of the colony for several ingame years and who has interacted with people there. That makes things very much awkward for every character there who has ever interacted with yours and who has maybe made an important experience in doing so. And this comes from someone who has played FTO long before playing BattleMaster. ;)


JPierreD, any idea how I can find your colony? I don't know of any world maps of this game. I'm way far north, near the polar caps. Not sure if my character could live in the south. I skipped out on my colony, not sure if I will go back.

What is the name of your parent colony?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on November 08, 2012, 12:42:09 AM
JPierreD, any idea how I can find your colony? I don't know of any world maps of this game. I'm way far north, near the polar caps. Not sure if my character could live in the south. I skipped out on my colony, not sure if I will go back.

What is the name of your parent colony?

Travelling is tough in the game. You'd need to make a canoe out of reed (there are probably other materials you can make it from) and sail through the seven seas. :p
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


I am currently working on mapping out the continent I am on.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: JPierreD on November 09, 2012, 04:54:16 PM
Travelling is tough in the game. You'd need to make a canoe out of reed (there are probably other materials you can make it from) and sail through the seven seas. :p

OR you can be a professional swimmer and become FTO's Michael Phelps. Or you can also be a fish thing. There are many possibilities!  8)
D'Espana Family