Author Topic: Barca  (Read 233659 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Barca
« Reply #330: August 27, 2011, 05:54:58 PM »
Um, yes they do. That's exactly how this group works. Who do you think started all the rumors about Astrum attacking Caerwyn? How do you think it is that 3-4 seemingly unrelated characters drifted into Caerwyn from different SA realms, all telling the same false story about our plans to attack them? I agree that things don't work like that most of the time because most groups of characters simply aren't that well coordinated, but this particular group are outliers. They're extremely tight-knit and well organized, more so than any other group I have ever encountered in this game. That's not a complement either, not when you take into account their apparent lack of qualms about exploiting loopholes in the game.

I know I am responsible for some of those rumors.  I spoon fed Baal some lies and had other nobles from other realms do the same.  I like to think that I am 51% responsible for the Caerwyn vs SA war.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)