Author Topic: Barca  (Read 233455 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Barca
« Reply #375: August 30, 2011, 05:49:13 AM »
That really only happened in Springdale with the whole Virovene affair, and we've never lived it down since. There was that lord in Caerwyn who built a temple then raised cane when Caerwyn tried to punish him for it, but the moderates in the Church completely blocked any attempt to interfere in Caerwyn's internal affairs over that incident. The same thing happened more recently when Asylon kicked out the Duchess of Echiur for doing the same thing; moderates in the Church (mostly me, actually, but I was Vasilif of Astrum at the time) immediately moved to quash the protests of Glaumring and Sianon and nothing came of it in the end.

It's interesting to see how events from three real life years ago have taken on such an enduring life in the political mythology of Dwilight.

Two D'Hara nobles used the threat of SA to maintain their power, though it was mostly believed that is was all bluff, we did have the Dragon Queen at the time, so it was prudent not to push the issue and find out.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.