Author Topic: Derailed thread  (Read 32322 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Derailed thread
« Reply #30: August 25, 2012, 02:28:54 PM »
On the other hand,

If you're a rapist, a violent murderer, or a manipulative, abusive monster hellbent on ruining everything you touch, it is my belief that you should not be allowed to live. Yes, its "extreme", but !@#$ it - I'm old-fashioned on the subject of capital punishment. If you live to make others' lives a living hell then you're an utter waste of space, air, time, and resources, are obviously contributing nothing to the Human species, and should be relinquished of your right to waste the time, air, and resources of those who actually try to, I don't know, not behave like monsters.

That guy who raped his own daughter and had 3 children with her while she was locked in the basement for 3 decades? Execution. Serial killers? Execution. Rapists? Execution. Child molesters? Execution. Corrupt politicians who swindle the public out of billions, thereby causing more death and suffering than we can begin to calculate? Execution.

Because I think allowing utter monsters to waste further time and resources by 'rotting in jail' is !@#$ing stupid when that same money we blow giving prisoners a better life than many Americans/whatever could instead go to, hmm, actually helping the honest, hard-working citizens?

I know I have joined the topic late, but I have logged in just to state my complete and utmost agreement with these paragraphs.
D'Espana Family