Author Topic: Derailed thread  (Read 34410 times)


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Re: Derailed thread
« Reply #45: August 27, 2012, 08:51:04 PM »
Out of contol bloodthirsty society? I fail to see how executing a criminal, who has killed and raped any number of people, is being bloodthirsty. It is protecting society from a predator, someone who hears a woman crying and yelling for her release and, instead of filling deep hatred and outright condemnation for which he is doing, laughs and tells her: "You are my toy, and I will use you, my little object, for as much as I want. Once I'm done, I'll kill you, because your life, and all people's lifes in this planet, matters nothing for me when compared to my personal leisure".

If someone has ever thought even for a single second something similar to that, that someone deserves death. Period. I'm bloodthirsty? No, just protecting the rest of women and even men from such a murderer, someone with such an eroded empathy that can not feel the suffering of those around him. Of course, even worse is the case of those that feel the suffering, but actually enjoy it. They are abominations, plain and simple, and must be destroyed before they harm anyone else.

About hate speech, one thing is to allow disagreeing and open expression of ideas, which is fine, and another entirely different to see as benefitial the flaming and intentional verbal attack in order to incite unrest and, well, hatred. That is NOT right.

I never said you were bloodthirsty. I said I fear an out of control bloodthirsty society, one that kills quickly and thinks slowly. Will executing a rapist or murder make us bloodthirsty, probably not. What I'm saying is, we, as a society(Americans are my example), have chosen capital punishment as mean to an end for murderers and other types, so we should carefully think about each person we choose to execute. There is a difference between those who seek justice and those seek vengeance. To kill in the name of justice is seen as fine as long as the people have chosen this but few accept responsibility for it, to kill out of vengeance is not okay because that starts a cycle of hate and no good comes of it. People have a tendency to lose their cool when upset, history is a great example. When a society isn't shy to killing in the name of what they believe is justice, it is very easy for that society to go overboard and kill in the name of vengeance and outright bloodlust. So to look at it as if its black and white is dangerous, we must consider everything and think carefully before we take a life.

Imagine a man comes home from work, he's expecting to see his wife, the love of his life, mother of his children etc... And he comes home to some strange man railing his wife, and it's consensual. So his flips his !@#$ and murders them both. Yes, he committed a crime and should be punished, but at the same time none of us can really know what that individual really went through. Does he deserve death, no, he needs mental help and as well as a long stay in jail, because that man might be able to be reintroduced into society. Some people snap under extreme distress, perfectly good honest people. So to view it as black and white, it puts a lot of people in the same category as a serial murderer and really puts way too much blood on the hands of the people. To be frank, the serial murderers and child molesters are the only ones that make it black and white, the vast majority fall into the grey area and that is where we face the danger of becoming bloodthirsty.

As for hate speech, yeah, there is a difference in saying "We dream of the day when the blood of the white man flows in the rivers of this country." and saying "Let's make this dream a reality, take up arms and kill anyone who isn't like us." and then actually going through with it. Out here in Socal, there are a lot of Neo-Nazi rallies, and they do try to incite action, is it right? No. But as long as they don't actually act they should be protected. Plus I've witnessed some of these rallies from the counter rallies that pop up alongside of them. You know what I noticed, the counter rallies are the more violent and have hateful ideas that are equal to if not more ignorant than the Neo-Nazis ideas. "I hate fascist!" is just as hateful as "I hate Jews." Let's be real, it's the same thing, same outcome, hate. Hell, when I went to that counter rally, after being there, I realized that the two sides were one and the same and I've ignored every single one since then because both sides are equally stupid and hateful. This ties into the paragraphs above as well, we as humans, as a society, should be careful so we don't stoop to the level of serial murderers. Anti-Fascists should be careful to not stoop to the level of the Fascists, people don't realize how incredibly easy it is to do so. It isn't black and white, it's mostly grey.

So if we're going to execute someone, let's make sure it's worth it and truly is just. If we're going to oppose hate, let's make sure we're not doing it in a hateful way.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2012, 08:52:58 PM by T-Rex Messiah »