Author Topic: Derailed thread  (Read 34415 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Derailed thread
« Reply #45: August 27, 2012, 09:42:50 PM »

As for hate speech, yeah, there is a difference in saying "We dream of the day when the blood of the white man flows in the rivers of this country." and saying "Let's make this dream a reality, take up arms and kill anyone who isn't like us." and then actually going through with it. Out here in Socal, there are a lot of Neo-Nazi rallies, and they do try to incite action, is it right? No. But as long as they don't actually act they should be protected. Plus I've witnessed some of these rallies from the counter rallies that pop up alongside of them. You know what I noticed, the counter rallies are the more violent and have hateful ideas that are equal to if not more ignorant than the Neo-Nazis ideas. "I hate fascist!" is just as hateful as "I hate Jews." Let's be real, it's the same thing, same outcome, hate. Hell, when I went to that counter rally, after being there, I realized that the two sides were one and the same and I've ignored every single one since then because both sides are equally stupid and hateful. This ties into the paragraphs above as well, we as humans, as a society, should be careful so we don't stoop to the level of serial murderers. Anti-Fascists should be careful to not stoop to the level of the Fascists, people don't realize how incredibly easy it is to do so. It isn't black and white, it's mostly grey.

I would note that for many people, there is a big difference between Fascists (something you can easily not be) and Jews (something somewhat harder to not be, though that depends on whether you mean ethnic or religious identity).

Though, personally, I'm not really okay with hating people for even the things they choose; or at least I'm not in theory. Not enough horrible things have happened to me or mine to really understand the agony that motivates many peoples' hatreds, so maybe I'm just speaking from a position of privilege.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner